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HK NTU girl hang herself after parent found out she already quitted NTU for 2 years, still pretending go school- Education is Lethal!

democracy my butt


被家人揭發兩年冇返學 理大女生吊頸亡

on.cc 東網

9.5k 人追蹤

2018年11月2日 下午9:19




香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會: 2389 2222
生命熱線: 2382 0000
明愛向晴軒: 18288
社會福利署: 2343 2255
撒瑪利亞會熱線(多種語言): 2896 0000
東華三院芷若園: 18281
醫管局精神健康專線: 2466 7350
利民會: 3512 2626


After being exposed by the family for two years, the school’s girl’s neck was dead.
[on.cc East Net]
On.cc East Net
9.5k person tracking
November 2, 2018, 9:19 PM
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[on.cc East Network News] Kwun Tong Cheung Wo Court and Health Court, a unit of female hanging neck death case, today (2nd) at 7 pm, a woman named Liang (22 years old), was surnamed Zhou (50 Years old) The mother and father found that they were hanging on the neck towel and fell into a coma. They immediately dismissed the daughter and called for help. The fire and ambulanceman arrived at the report and sent Liang to the United Christian Hospital for rescue. The death was confirmed. The police investigated the scene and seized a suicide note. After the preliminary investigation, it was believed that the incident was not suspicious. The death of the deceased was determined after the autopsy.

It is reported that the deceased had studied at the Polytechnic University before his death. He should have graduated this year. The Liang family had earlier learned that PolyU would hold a graduation ceremony in November. However, Liang did not invite them to participate, and asked if she had not attended the university. For more than two years, the two sides had disputes over this matter. The police did not rule out that Liang Guo committed suicide and will investigate further.

Suicide prevention hotline:

Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Association: 2389 2222

Lifeline: 2382 0000

Caritas to Ching Hsuan: 18288

Social Welfare Department: 2343 2255

Samaritan Hotline (multiple languages): 2896 0000

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Ruo Ruoyuan: 18281

HA Mental Health Hotline: 2466 7350

Limin Club: 3512 2626
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[More instant news details, please go to the East News]



被家人揭發兩年冇返學 理大女生吊頸亡

on.cc 東網

9.5k 人追蹤

2018年11月2日 下午9:19




香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會: 2389 2222
生命熱線: 2382 0000
明愛向晴軒: 18288
社會福利署: 2343 2255
撒瑪利亞會熱線(多種語言): 2896 0000
東華三院芷若園: 18281
醫管局精神健康專線: 2466 7350
利民會: 3512 2626


After being exposed by the family for two years, the school’s girl’s neck was dead.
[on.cc East Net]
On.cc East Net
9.5k person tracking
November 2, 2018, 9:19 PM
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[on.cc East Network News] Kwun Tong Cheung Wo Court and Health Court, a unit of female hanging neck death case, today (2nd) at 7 pm, a woman named Liang (22 years old), was surnamed Zhou (50 Years old) The mother and father found that they were hanging on the neck towel and fell into a coma. They immediately dismissed the daughter and called for help. The fire and ambulanceman arrived at the report and sent Liang to the United Christian Hospital for rescue. The death was confirmed. The police investigated the scene and seized a suicide note. After the preliminary investigation, it was believed that the incident was not suspicious. The death of the deceased was determined after the autopsy.

It is reported that the deceased had studied at the Polytechnic University before his death. He should have graduated this year. The Liang family had earlier learned that PolyU would hold a graduation ceremony in November. However, Liang did not invite them to participate, and asked if she had not attended the university. For more than two years, the two sides had disputes over this matter. The police did not rule out that Liang Guo committed suicide and will investigate further.

Suicide prevention hotline:

Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Association: 2389 2222

Lifeline: 2382 0000

Caritas to Ching Hsuan: 18288

Social Welfare Department: 2343 2255

Samaritan Hotline (multiple languages): 2896 0000

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Ruo Ruoyuan: 18281

HA Mental Health Hotline: 2466 7350

Limin Club: 3512 2626
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[More instant news details, please go to the East News]

It's Hong Kong Polytechnic University [PolyU] and not NTU.