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HK movie baddie kee chia


He is the baddest HK bad ass villain actor of all time....

See the source image


Hey dumb mudd, why don't you go and do something useful like fucking your mother, your sister and your daughter ?

Why do you think you fucking your mother daughter and sister is useful?

Not for no reason are you chinks known for spreading wuhan virus sars avian flu monkey brain flu and all sorts of other illnesses like down's syndrome and an inferior race with flat face and slanted eyes.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Why do you think you fucking your mother daughter and sister is useful?

Not for no reason are you chinks known for spreading wuhan virus sars avian flu monkey brain flu and all sorts of other illnesses like down's syndrome and an inferior race with flat face and slanted eyes.

Alamak same article again. Can't you dumb mudds come out with more substantiable evidence instead of digging out the same old shit again ?
You dumb mudds should be proud of your incestuous privilege because your god endorsed it instead of denying vehemently.


Alamak same article again. Can't you dumb mudds come out with more substantiable evidence instead of digging out the same old shit again ?
You dumb mudds should be proud of your incestuous privilege because your god endorsed it instead of denying vehemently.

You come up with same old false allegations with no proof, no academic reference.

I come up with same old facts backed by academic references. Undeniable truths.