Arrested and out on bail, facing a charge of Electoral Corruption in 2008 election by providing a FOC seminar to promote her own election inviting public to attend.
PAP provided free drinks and fastfood in every GE to bring CC RC & other dogs to rallies clearly violated Parliamentary Election Act. Don't face charge!
<center> CORRUPT PRACTICES </center> <input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002474" type="checkbox"> 57 Personation
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002491" type="checkbox"> 58 Treating
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002512" type="checkbox"> 59 Undue influence
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002523" type="checkbox"> 60 Bribery
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002564" type="checkbox"> 61 Punishment and incapacities for corrupt practice
58. —(1) A person shall be guilty of treating if he corruptly, by himself or by any other person, either before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly gives or provides, or pays wholly or in part the expense of giving, any meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing or any money or ticket or other means or device to enable the procuring of any such meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing, to or for any person —
<dl>(a) for the purpose of corruptly influencing that person or any other person to vote or refrain from voting;</dl><dl>(b) for the purpose of inducing that person to attend or remain at any election meeting;</dl><dl>(c) on account of any such person or any other person having voted or refrained from voting or being about to vote or refrain from voting at the election; or</dl><dl>(d) on account of any such person having attended an election meeting.</dl> (2) A person shall also be guilty of treating if he corruptly accepts or takes any such meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing or any such money or ticket or who adopts any other means or device to enable the procuring of such meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing.
Punishment and incapacities for corrupt practice
61. —(1) Every person who —<dl>(a) commits the offence of personation, or aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission of the offence of personation;</dl><dl>(b) commits the offence of treating, undue influence or bribery;</dl><dl>(c) publishes or causes to be published any election advertising during the period beginning with the day the writ of election is issued for an election and ending with the start of polling day at that election which —<dl>(i) in the case of election advertising that is, or is contained in, a printed document, does not bear on its face or, if there is more than one side of printed matter, on the first or last page of the document, the names and addresses of its printer, its publisher and the person for whom or at whose direction the election advertising is published; or</dl><dl>(ii) in the case of any other election advertising, does not bear in the form and manner prescribed under section 78A the names and addresses of its publisher and the person for whom or at whose direction the election advertising is published;</dl></dl><dl>(d) makes or publishes, before or during any election, for the purpose of affecting the return of any candidate, any false statement of fact in relation to the personal character or conduct of the candidate;</dl><dl>(e) makes or publishes, before or during any election, for the purpose of promoting or procuring the election of any candidate, any false statement of the withdrawal of any other candidate at the election; or</dl><dl>(f) being a candidate or election agent, knowingly makes the declaration as to election expenses required by section 74 falsely,</dl> shall be guilty of a corrupt practice and shall on conviction by a District Court be liable —<dl>(i) in the case referred to in paragraph (a), to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both;</dl><dl>(ii) in the case referred to in paragraph (b), to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both;</dl><dl>(iii) in the case referred to in paragraph (c), to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both;</dl><dl>(iv) in the case referred to in paragraph (d) or (e), to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both; or</dl><dl>(v) in the case referred to in paragraph (f), to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.</dl> (2) Every person who is convicted of a corrupt practice shall become incapable for a period of 7 years from the date of his conviction of being registered as an elector or of voting at any election under this Act or of being elected as the President or a Member of Parliament, and if at that date he has been elected a Member of Parliament, his election shall be vacated from the date of the conviction. [21/91]
(3) A prosecution for a corrupt practice except any corrupt practice as defined in subsection (1) (d) and (e) shall not be instituted without the sanction of the Public Prosecutor. (4) Without prejudice to section 57, every offence of undue influence or bribery under section 59 or 60, as the case may be, and every other corrupt practice under subsection (1)(c), (d) or (e) shall be a seizable offence within the meaning of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68). (5) Where any election advertising is published in contravention of subsection (1) (c), the printer of the election advertising as well as the person for whom or at whose direction the election advertising is published shall each also be guilty of a corrupt practice and shall each be liable on conviction to the same punishment and incapacity under this section as the publisher thereof. [31/2001]
(6) Subsection (1) (c) shall not apply in respect of —<dl>(a) the distribution of a book, or the promotion of the sale of a book, for not less than its commercial value, if the book was planned to be published regardless of whether there was to be an election;</dl><dl>(b) the publication of a document directly by a person or a group of persons to their members, employees or shareholders, as the case may be;</dl><dl>(c) the publication of any news relating to an election —<dl>(i) in a newspaper in any medium by a person permitted to do so under the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (Cap. 206); or</dl><dl>(ii) in a radio or television broadcast by a person licensed to do so under the Broadcasting Act (Cap. 28);</dl></dl><dl>(d) the telephonic or electronic transmission by an individual to another individual of the first-mentioned individual"s own political views, on a non-commercial basis; or</dl><dl>(e) such other circumstances or activities as may be prescribed by the Minister by order in the Gazette. [31/2001]
譚香文涉賄選被捕 08立會選前辦免費講座 陳太同場拉票
(明報)2010年10月28日 星期四 05:10
【明報專訊】前立法會 會計界議員譚香文 被指在08年立法會選舉前兩天,舉辦免費講座,誘使選民支持自己,昨被廉政公署 以涉嫌賄選拘捕,明天在東區裁判法院提堂,其間獲准保釋。譚香文堅稱自己清白,並質疑是政治檢控。另外,本報根據獲得的宣傳電郵顯示,前政務司 長陳方安生 當日亦以嘉賓身分「撐場」,呼籲選民支持譚香文,但陳太 有否因而捲入賄選案,陳方安生及廉署都表示不予置評。
獲准保釋 明天提堂
本報致電譚香文查詢,她堅稱自己清白,質疑廉署今次行動是政治檢控,以報復她在05年反對政改方案,「如果不是05年政改時我投下反對票,我相信不會有今日!為什麼不控告(行會成員)劉皇發 ?不控告(在電視賣政治廣告)譚偉豪?而偏偏告我譚香文?」
譚香文續稱,她相信本港的司法制度是公正,而公義會伸張,「不會搞死我譚香文!」她已聘請李柱銘 父子任代表律師,昨日亦分別向公民黨 、社民連等泛民盟友匯報事件。
今次捲入賄選疑雲的講座,是譚香文自04年擔任會計界議員以來,每月都舉辦的「每月茶叙」,聚會邀請各界嘉賓就會計、稅務或法律事項演講,費用全免,理工大學 會計及金融學院副教授林本利亦曾擔任講者。不過,今次被指涉及「賄選」,可能與會計師公會的規則有關。
根據公會規定,會員每年都要進修 40小時,譚香文的講座可被視為「進修活動」之一。換言之,會員在參加活動後,可以向公會申請扣除時數,這個關係有可能會被廉署視為「利益」之一。一旦譚香文在活動上為自己拉票,便會等同賄選。
不過本報獲得一封由譚香文寄出、邀請會員參加涉案講座的電郵,她在電郵底部清楚列明,該電郵屬選舉廣告之一(見下圖),換言之,譚香文亦視講座為競 選活動。講座當天在灣仔小童群益會舉行,由德勤兩名會計師主講,題目為「收購與合併的盡職調查」,除業界人士,前政務司長陳方安生當天亦是嘉賓之一。
根據報章報道,陳方安生席間大力呼籲全體會計師投譚香文一票,保住泛民21席。本報昨日曾向陳太查詢,包括廉署會否邀請她協助調查,但陳太表示不予置評,廉署發言人亦稱對案件不予評論。對於陳方安生「撐場」會否捲入賄選風波,資深大律師湯家驊 斷言否定﹕「與人無關,需視乎有否涉及利益輸送」。
譚香文則強調,擔任議員4年間,每月都舉辦免費講座,風雨不改,她說:「無理由因選舉而不做?」被問及有否在講座期間「拉票」 ,她則以案件已進入司法程序為由,拒絕評論。
公民黨黨魁余若薇 則表示,專業團體經常舉辦講座,講座會否視作持續進修分數,則由個別專業團體的公會決定,與講者無關,她希望經過法律程序後,會得出一個公平的結果。
2008年的立法會會計界選舉有5名候選人,包括譚香文、龔耀輝、嚴定偉、陳茂波 及黃宏泰。擊敗譚香文晉身立法會的陳茂波,昨日以不理解事件為由,拒絕評論事件。
PAP provided free drinks and fastfood in every GE to bring CC RC & other dogs to rallies clearly violated Parliamentary Election Act. Don't face charge!
<center> CORRUPT PRACTICES </center> <input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002474" type="checkbox"> 57 Personation
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002491" type="checkbox"> 58 Treating
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002512" type="checkbox"> 59 Undue influence
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002523" type="checkbox"> 60 Bribery
<input name="req_sect" value="1175481668-002564" type="checkbox"> 61 Punishment and incapacities for corrupt practice
58. —(1) A person shall be guilty of treating if he corruptly, by himself or by any other person, either before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly gives or provides, or pays wholly or in part the expense of giving, any meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing or any money or ticket or other means or device to enable the procuring of any such meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing, to or for any person —
<dl>(a) for the purpose of corruptly influencing that person or any other person to vote or refrain from voting;</dl><dl>(b) for the purpose of inducing that person to attend or remain at any election meeting;</dl><dl>(c) on account of any such person or any other person having voted or refrained from voting or being about to vote or refrain from voting at the election; or</dl><dl>(d) on account of any such person having attended an election meeting.</dl> (2) A person shall also be guilty of treating if he corruptly accepts or takes any such meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing or any such money or ticket or who adopts any other means or device to enable the procuring of such meat, drink, refreshment, cigarette, entertainment or other provision or thing.
Punishment and incapacities for corrupt practice
61. —(1) Every person who —<dl>(a) commits the offence of personation, or aids, abets, counsels or procures the commission of the offence of personation;</dl><dl>(b) commits the offence of treating, undue influence or bribery;</dl><dl>(c) publishes or causes to be published any election advertising during the period beginning with the day the writ of election is issued for an election and ending with the start of polling day at that election which —<dl>(i) in the case of election advertising that is, or is contained in, a printed document, does not bear on its face or, if there is more than one side of printed matter, on the first or last page of the document, the names and addresses of its printer, its publisher and the person for whom or at whose direction the election advertising is published; or</dl><dl>(ii) in the case of any other election advertising, does not bear in the form and manner prescribed under section 78A the names and addresses of its publisher and the person for whom or at whose direction the election advertising is published;</dl></dl><dl>(d) makes or publishes, before or during any election, for the purpose of affecting the return of any candidate, any false statement of fact in relation to the personal character or conduct of the candidate;</dl><dl>(e) makes or publishes, before or during any election, for the purpose of promoting or procuring the election of any candidate, any false statement of the withdrawal of any other candidate at the election; or</dl><dl>(f) being a candidate or election agent, knowingly makes the declaration as to election expenses required by section 74 falsely,</dl> shall be guilty of a corrupt practice and shall on conviction by a District Court be liable —<dl>(i) in the case referred to in paragraph (a), to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both;</dl><dl>(ii) in the case referred to in paragraph (b), to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both;</dl><dl>(iii) in the case referred to in paragraph (c), to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both;</dl><dl>(iv) in the case referred to in paragraph (d) or (e), to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both; or</dl><dl>(v) in the case referred to in paragraph (f), to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.</dl> (2) Every person who is convicted of a corrupt practice shall become incapable for a period of 7 years from the date of his conviction of being registered as an elector or of voting at any election under this Act or of being elected as the President or a Member of Parliament, and if at that date he has been elected a Member of Parliament, his election shall be vacated from the date of the conviction. [21/91]
(3) A prosecution for a corrupt practice except any corrupt practice as defined in subsection (1) (d) and (e) shall not be instituted without the sanction of the Public Prosecutor. (4) Without prejudice to section 57, every offence of undue influence or bribery under section 59 or 60, as the case may be, and every other corrupt practice under subsection (1)(c), (d) or (e) shall be a seizable offence within the meaning of the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68). (5) Where any election advertising is published in contravention of subsection (1) (c), the printer of the election advertising as well as the person for whom or at whose direction the election advertising is published shall each also be guilty of a corrupt practice and shall each be liable on conviction to the same punishment and incapacity under this section as the publisher thereof. [31/2001]
(6) Subsection (1) (c) shall not apply in respect of —<dl>(a) the distribution of a book, or the promotion of the sale of a book, for not less than its commercial value, if the book was planned to be published regardless of whether there was to be an election;</dl><dl>(b) the publication of a document directly by a person or a group of persons to their members, employees or shareholders, as the case may be;</dl><dl>(c) the publication of any news relating to an election —<dl>(i) in a newspaper in any medium by a person permitted to do so under the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (Cap. 206); or</dl><dl>(ii) in a radio or television broadcast by a person licensed to do so under the Broadcasting Act (Cap. 28);</dl></dl><dl>(d) the telephonic or electronic transmission by an individual to another individual of the first-mentioned individual"s own political views, on a non-commercial basis; or</dl><dl>(e) such other circumstances or activities as may be prescribed by the Minister by order in the Gazette. [31/2001]
譚香文涉賄選被捕 08立會選前辦免費講座 陳太同場拉票
(明報)2010年10月28日 星期四 05:10
【明報專訊】前立法會 會計界議員譚香文 被指在08年立法會選舉前兩天,舉辦免費講座,誘使選民支持自己,昨被廉政公署 以涉嫌賄選拘捕,明天在東區裁判法院提堂,其間獲准保釋。譚香文堅稱自己清白,並質疑是政治檢控。另外,本報根據獲得的宣傳電郵顯示,前政務司 長陳方安生 當日亦以嘉賓身分「撐場」,呼籲選民支持譚香文,但陳太 有否因而捲入賄選案,陳方安生及廉署都表示不予置評。
獲准保釋 明天提堂
本報致電譚香文查詢,她堅稱自己清白,質疑廉署今次行動是政治檢控,以報復她在05年反對政改方案,「如果不是05年政改時我投下反對票,我相信不會有今日!為什麼不控告(行會成員)劉皇發 ?不控告(在電視賣政治廣告)譚偉豪?而偏偏告我譚香文?」
譚香文續稱,她相信本港的司法制度是公正,而公義會伸張,「不會搞死我譚香文!」她已聘請李柱銘 父子任代表律師,昨日亦分別向公民黨 、社民連等泛民盟友匯報事件。
今次捲入賄選疑雲的講座,是譚香文自04年擔任會計界議員以來,每月都舉辦的「每月茶叙」,聚會邀請各界嘉賓就會計、稅務或法律事項演講,費用全免,理工大學 會計及金融學院副教授林本利亦曾擔任講者。不過,今次被指涉及「賄選」,可能與會計師公會的規則有關。
根據公會規定,會員每年都要進修 40小時,譚香文的講座可被視為「進修活動」之一。換言之,會員在參加活動後,可以向公會申請扣除時數,這個關係有可能會被廉署視為「利益」之一。一旦譚香文在活動上為自己拉票,便會等同賄選。
不過本報獲得一封由譚香文寄出、邀請會員參加涉案講座的電郵,她在電郵底部清楚列明,該電郵屬選舉廣告之一(見下圖),換言之,譚香文亦視講座為競 選活動。講座當天在灣仔小童群益會舉行,由德勤兩名會計師主講,題目為「收購與合併的盡職調查」,除業界人士,前政務司長陳方安生當天亦是嘉賓之一。
根據報章報道,陳方安生席間大力呼籲全體會計師投譚香文一票,保住泛民21席。本報昨日曾向陳太查詢,包括廉署會否邀請她協助調查,但陳太表示不予置評,廉署發言人亦稱對案件不予評論。對於陳方安生「撐場」會否捲入賄選風波,資深大律師湯家驊 斷言否定﹕「與人無關,需視乎有否涉及利益輸送」。
譚香文則強調,擔任議員4年間,每月都舉辦免費講座,風雨不改,她說:「無理由因選舉而不做?」被問及有否在講座期間「拉票」 ,她則以案件已進入司法程序為由,拒絕評論。
公民黨黨魁余若薇 則表示,專業團體經常舉辦講座,講座會否視作持續進修分數,則由個別專業團體的公會決定,與講者無關,她希望經過法律程序後,會得出一個公平的結果。
2008年的立法會會計界選舉有5名候選人,包括譚香文、龔耀輝、嚴定偉、陳茂波 及黃宏泰。擊敗譚香文晉身立法會的陳茂波,昨日以不理解事件為由,拒絕評論事件。