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HK CNY eve burned charcoal to commit suicide. GF came home found loser BF dead.

democracy my butt


【珍惜生命】荃灣中年漢廁所內燒炭亡 女友回家揭發報警


1.1k 人追蹤

2019年2月4日 上午5:00

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【珍惜生命】荃灣中年漢廁所內燒炭亡 女友回家揭發報警
香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會熱線 : 23892222
醫院管理局精神健康專線 : 24667350
生命熱線 : 23820000


[Treasure life] The burning of charcoal in the middle-aged Han toilet in Tsuen Wan
[Hong Kong 01]
Hong Kong 01
1.1k person tracking
Hong Kong 01
February 4, 2019, 5:00 am

[Treasure life] The burning of charcoal in the middle-aged Han toilet in Tsuen Wan

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[Treasure life] The burning of charcoal in the middle-aged Han toilet in Tsuen Wan

At 11 o'clock in the evening yesterday (3rd), the police received a report from a woman named Long (49), whose boyfriend, surnamed Li (49), suspected of committing suicide in the Tsuen Wan apartment. After receiving the report, the police rushed to the involved unit at 24-28 Zhaohe Street, Tsuen Wan. A man was found lying in the bathroom in the flat. There was a pot of burnt charcoal next to him. He was unconscious. The ambulanceman immediately sent the man to Renji Hospital and subsequently confirmed his death. The police seized the suicide note at the scene. The preliminary investigation believed that the incident was not suspicious and the cause of death was determined after the autopsy.

Help website and hotline

Hong Kong Samaritan Suicide Prevention Hotline : 23892222

Hospital Authority Mental Health Line : 24667350

Donghua Third Hospital Ruo Ruoyuan Hotline.. 18281

Samaritan Hotline: 28960000

Social Welfare Department hotline: 23432255

Lifeline : 23820000

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