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His parents should have named him Tan Buay Luen instead



Ex-instructor at muay thai gym found guilty of sexually assaulting woman after class


Tan Wai Luen, 30, has been found guilty of sexually penetrating the 33-year-old woman without her consent on Oct 1, 2016.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Incredible story.
So he fingered her and she caught him doing it shouted at him and still carry on for another 15 mins? Main door locked got any bearing?


Incredible story.
So he fingered her and she caught him doing it shouted at him and still carry on for another 15 mins? Main door locked got any bearing?
Naked alone in room with guy how can expect nothing to happen? Got penetrated still stay another 15 min that one I cannot understand. Get a good lawyer muay Thai bro can still argue case as rejected advance all a misunderstanding cultural difference dating norms old people like judge won't understand so cannot any how convict. Unrepresented means gone case prepare ass for cane go in and sit.


I am trained in kek leng kia ali baba massage. I would like to know her so she can take off all her clothes and let me massage her.


This is a slut who is expecting to be fucked after fingering. What kind of a fuckslut strips down to her panties for a stranger to massage her.

Tio bo? Slut expert comment? @ginfreely


Incredible story.
So he fingered her and she caught him doing it shouted at him and still carry on for another 15 mins? Main door locked got any bearing?
KNN this is clearly indicative of the jibye is very very itchy rike Very Kind Lady KNN enjoy the oaring first then leeport later KNN