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Hindu youth killed in Delhi riots, was stabbed 51 times by muslim mob, muslims spokesmen rationalize the killing



Ten people, including suspended Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) councillor Tahir Hussain, were arrested in this case.​

Intelligence Bureau staffer Ankit Sharma, who was found dead during the riots in North-East Delhi in February this year, was stabbed 51 times, the Delhi Police’s Crime Branch said in its chargesheet filed on Wednesday.

The police chargesheet said that during post-mortem, the doctors found 51 sharp and blunt injuries on Sharma’s body.


Ten people, including suspended Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) councillor Tahir Hussain, were arrested in this case.

Investigation has revealed that there was a deep rooted conspiracy behind the riot and murder of Ankit Sharma, who was a familiar face in the area. He was specifically targeted by a mob led by Hussain, it further said in the chargesheet filed today.

The police have also found the blood stained knife used to stab Sharma and the blood stained clothes of the killer. Hussain’s licensed pistol was also seized but in a separate case.

The police had filed two chargesheets on Tuesday in connection with two separate cases registered during the communal rioting. In one of the chargesheets, the police named Hussain, alleging he played a “pivotal role” during the riots.