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Hijab is more important to them than education



The Karnataka High Court today commenced hearing a writ petition filed by a Muslim girl student challenging the action of a government college in deny

"People should have faith in Constitution. Only a mischievous section will keep the issue burning. But making agitation, going on the street, shoutin

The State government on the other hand, represented by Advocate General PK Navadgi, argued that reasonable restrictions have to be imposed on the purp

However, Kamat pointed out that the stand of the State is not as innocuous as this, since they have issued a Government Order dated February 5, statin

Wearing hijab is essential religious practice: Kamat Kamat referred to Verse 24.31 and verse 24.33 of the Holy Quran, which purportedly talk about he


Sorry .. there is such thing as high IQ Moslem.

Race and IQ