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hidden motives are very dangerous to our society. it tricks many good-hearted and concerned citizens into doing things they thought they were fighting for the peasants but in actual fact, these civic-conscious souls were being exploited and their faiths being abused and misused into something that they least anticipated.
i give u a very straightforward example. when a seemingly mild-mannered respectable professional volunteered to fight against upgrading of hawker centre, on the surface it appeared to be great. everyone knows that after upgrading, food prices sure would increase.
the disappointing part is many hawker centres after upgrading were worst than it was before or nothing much has improved. examples: ABC HC, the recent CHINATOWN HC and many others if u guys could name some u experienced. and so this kind of bad impression was implanted. sad.
so our heelo was bent to stop it but in actual fact, many migitating factors for this upgrading pointed to the benefits of senior residents living around that area. lifts and escalators are added into the proposed upgrading. the whole facade of the HC was re-positioned into a more appealing direction.
worst of all, many old hawkers there wanted to quit, retire and be compensated with quite a substantial sum fi they gave up their stalls. all seem to be fair and advantageous to residents. YET that heelo still wanted to object and stop it by all means.
NOW...think. why was he so bent to stop it even the upgrading was beneficial to residents, senior folks and other hawkers who wish to continue biz? it convenient many, might improve the business there and enhance the comfort of eating there.
this was the real motive: he wanted to score a political feather so that he could use it to accredit himself and his "self-serviceness" later to advance his political endeavours.
motive presented: to serve peasants.
real motive hidden : to exploit civic-conscious minded souls and abused their genuine concern to con for peasants' support later in his real intention.
this is what prof chan heng chee, Ambassador to USA is trying to tell us all: BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEPSKIN.
i know the diehards would find it impossible to accept. but that's the real TRUTH. singapore is singapore. singapore is not USA. we are a small nation very vulnerable to external dire forces. but to attack our own beloved country from the internal is like a perfect apple rotting from within.
please be aware and DO NOT ALLOW yourself to be misled further. protect and love our own country.