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Hezbollah's gold mine catches fire: Nasrallah's bunker under hospital held half billion dollars



IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari revealed on Monday night that the former Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah's bunker in Dahieh in southern Beirut was located underneath a hospital - which held gold and half a billion dollars in cash.

One of his bunkers was located beneath the Al-Sahel Hospital and was used as Nasrallah's emergency bunker, according to the IDF. The hospital has been evacuated following Israeli claims a Hezbollah cash bunker is located beneath it, hospital director Fadi Alameh told Reuters on Monday. Hagari said that Israel will not strike the hospital.

Alameh denied the allegation and called on the Lebanese army to visit the site.

An N12 report said that it serves as Hezbollah's central money warehouse, where the vast majority of the organization's money stolen from Lebanese citizens and used for terrorism is hidden.

The IDF revealed a graphic photo and a video simulation of the structure. "This bunker is deliberately placed under the hospital and on both sides of it," Hagari continued. "You can see the buildings under which the entrance shafts to the bunker are located.

Former Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. (credit: Mohammad Kassir/Shutterstock)
Enlrage image
Former Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. (credit: Mohammad Kassir/Shutterstock)
"This money could and still can go to rebuilding the state of Lebanon. This money had been intended to go exclusively to arming the terrorist organization Hezbollah and had no other destination."