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"Hezbollah" has declared its readiness to confront the American aircraft carrier and has even demonstrated how

True Believer

Hezbollah shouldn't be playing with fire by provoking Uncle Sam into bombing them back into the Stone Age. Look at how Hamas brought misery upon their own Palestinian brethren by awaking this sleeping giant called Israel. Civilians always suffer the most in any war; the difference here is that Hamas provoked Israel into retaliation, so Palestinian civilians should put the blame squarely on the shoulders of their leaders.


hezbollah just a militia, but stronger than many countries' militaries though. weak countries like stinkypura malaysia indonesia bangla philippines cambodia mauritius fiji guyana sri lanka nepal malawi guinea croatia serbia etc might be a lot weaker than hezbollah.

challenging yankees is another task.

yanks got abt 11 aircraft carriers, abt 5 to 6 operational at any time, on duty. rest on maintenance etc.

so disabling or sinking 2 aircraft carriers and some handful of destroyers not a big problem. but yanks also got nukes icbm anti sat missiles strategic bombers stealth fighters etc and these are just publicly known info.

got others too.

best bet might be to switch flag to antarctica's, and then if yanks want to fight a war, then they need to fight antarctica.

signing a mutual defence treaty with russkies norkies etc might be a good option. obtain nukes, icbm, anti sat missiles from them too.


just watched the vid
no anti shiop bqallistic missile? bad
needs ISR ability to see aircraft carrier or destroyer 500 to 600 km away. maybe from further away. sth like this.

obviously this was just for media not real war


btw what happened to unparalleled "china speed", unending never ending "chhhhhhhyyyynnnnaaa sppppeeeeed" working at which no task ever gets done?

how come tiongs are yet to float 200 aircraft carriers if not 2000 aircraft carriers? after more than 40 years, working at the now infamous chhhhhyyyynnnaaaa spppeeeed they've done nothing notable. plan doesn't even operate 200 destroyers yet. how pathetic.

stinkypura only recently a few years ago launched world's largest ever sscv, per capita, that must be a mammoth record of some sorts. i dun know who could surpass it per capita.

how pathetic are the tiongs. they can't even launch the world's largest sscv ever, per capita.