I hope he will have such a long life tat he will out live Pinky...m
You may go ahead of him, & forced to help prepare for his "homecoming"..
Does not matter to me,,i am prepared to go,,,unlike someone who does not want to go,,and living like a vampire
The man who taught the world the art of legitimatizing corruption.
I hope he will have such a long life tat he will out live Pinky...m
walaneh ... macham like qing dynasty hopping vampire !:o
Pinky cancer come back die before old man.........let old man experience white hair send black hair
Don't worry...the "homecoming" is slated for 2015, we will have a triple celebration & it will be breath taking..the "mother of it all"...National Day, SEA games & the biggest event in SINgapore history____________.
Just hope if that happens in 2015...the masses will not fall for giving PAP sympathy votes in 2016
It is good to invest in counseling services now or stock up on pocket tissues, buy by the warehouse, plus smelling salts, walking aids, wheelchairs, medical services too & start a Psychiatric practice..come 2015...it will be big money.. many of the 'dependents' will need them.