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Heaven always on my side and send me messages without me looking for it indeed




Is @ginfreely a Lao Hong Biscuit? @NanoSpeed@sbfuncle @Balls2U @GUDANGARAM
Former WP cadre Loh Pei Ying told the party's disciplinary panel that Ms Raeesah Khan’s performance as an MP was like a “lao hong biscuit”, as she buckled quite easily under pressure.
Live: Pritam Singh's trial: Defence cross-examines Loh Pei Ying | Day 5's trial: Defence cross-examines Loh Pei Ying | Day 5
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Gansiokbin is a lao hong onion rings upsize set. Soggy with many holes.
There are two ways to prevent lao hong - vacuumed packed or blow nitrogen gas.

In.my mentor's case, no need. She is naturally sealed, and she will remain so until she meets 包青天。
You Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes are proving yourselves you are crooked people that go untouched while I am the straight one getting constant hammered. Link me to liar link me to slut to prostitute to do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin is your evil coward hide in rat hole way to win dare not take up my virginity challenge. You are entitled to spam lies while I post facts get hammered Knnbccb hey @zhihauyou are crooked moderator protecting your own kind as usual don’t act victim Pui!