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Hdb low ses Fuss box lifespan


This morning my flat had power trip and my family member had to switch it on manually.

This flat is very old and I never change the fuss box.

May I know what is the lifespan of fuss box ? Do we need to change it ?

Byebye Penis

if it happened just once today,

1. Lighting struck nearby during this morning ponding - power surge?
2. could it be an electrical appliance short-circuited?
3. could it be overload, your vaccum-cleaner + kettle + aircon + microwave + heater turned on concurrently


if it happened just once today,

1. Lighting struck nearby during this morning ponding - power surge?
2. could it be an electrical appliance short-circuited?
3. could it be overload, your vaccum-cleaner + kettle + aircon + microwave + heater turned on concurrently
It happened this morning due to thunder and lightning and a few units in our block also experienced power trip


You are a lessee only. HDB will change for you when you vote for upgrading.

Now calling oneself low SES machiam very fashionable. I am the real deal, OK? Living on government handouts.

Don't fake low SES ok.


You are a lessee only. HDB will change for you when you vote for upgrading.

Now calling oneself low SES machiam very fashionable. I am the real deal, OK? Living on government handouts.

Don't fake low SES ok.
HDB will change for u… u are very obedient and u trust our government to take care of u ?

Byebye Penis

How to know if we need to replace fuss box ? My current fuss box is very good. ABB brand
ABB is brand
if it is installed by their local partner GENNAL, it's all balas electricians and Malaysian supervisors and Malaysian admin stuff. Effectively, I don't know how the the whole company can hire so many foreigners-quota.