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Chitchat Hawaii's Maui Fires Kills 36

A Singaporean

LOL.i thought the promised land always has things under control unlike Cina.Monolingual Singlish speaking angmoh wannabe Sinkies are all so quiet.

syed putra

Hawaii used to be an independent country before America decided to take it for free.
Sultan of johore visited Hawaii king

Both monarchs, who were fluent in English, conversed freely with one another and discovered common words in Malay and Hawai'ian.

According to Walter Gibson, the then foreign minister of Hawaii, the visit to Johor assured King Kalakaua that coloured people could survive the encroachment of the whites. In Gibson's own words:

"We are very glad that our Hawaiian king visited a Malay sovereign, the Maharajah of Johore: that His Majesty recognised striking evidences of kinship between Hawaiian and Malay: that His Majesty observed that these brown cognates of Johore were healthy, prolific and an increasing people, though living under the guidance and dominion of the European race; that His Majesty recognises that there is no natural law, or destiny, that the brown races shall pass away in the presence of the whites, as is alleged in Polynesia."


Alfrescian (Inf)
was planning to go to maui and visit the front street on the historic lahaina waterfront. but that’s all burnt out and ash now. will stick with oahu instead. may be now that the old rustic lahaina is gone, developers will cum in and build a bustling marina bay?