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Haven't had durian for almost a year because of the ridiculous price but today....


Alfrescian (Inf)
...12 boxes for $30 ! 3 boxes bad but still good bargain overall for a cheapskate like limpeh. Oversupply in SG izzit ?



Alfrescian (Inf)
12 boxes for $30.........................don't tell me the Tiongs figured out a way to make fake durian ?

1) Tiongs developed a taste for durian.

2) Tiongs influenced the cultivation of durians in SE Asia, I suspect chemicals or genetic modification involved.

3) Years of bumper harvests, many durians exported to China.

4) Now Tiongs have no money to import durians, the surplus ones come here.


I still remember durians could only be eaten during durian season, around the middle of the year. You literally had to wait a year to be able to eat durians.

syed putra

I still remember durians could only be eaten during durian season, around the middle of the year. You literally had to wait a year to be able to eat durians.
The durians in johore and some other parts in kuala kangsar ripen around october if i am not mistaken.


Avoided this fruit not because i dont enjoy its taste ... Its because of how durian was traded
You notice many pop-up durian stalls operated by Ah Beng .... they are not your usual fruit seller
They exploited this trade, work a few months, rip off a lot of money from durian-lovers
They are not to be trusted, sell mediocre quality, bluff you as premium product


Try loitering @The durian stalls during closing time, the good MSW ones @$30 per box, u can get it for 3 boxes @$50...Super thick rich bitter sweet creamy pulp, really worth it!