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Haunted schools in Singapore


Mdm Tang




"Haunted" schools in Singapore

Student reporters from Republic Polytechnic - Mellissa, Nicki, Sarah, Harendhren and Jacob - got students to reveal their most spooky experiences at school, or stories they have heard.

- Events as related by students. Fact or fiction? You decide.

National University of Singapore (NUS)

Many have claimed to have seen a white female figure lurking around the campus of NUS. According to various legends, these white figures are associated with the Malay's beliefs of the Pontianak, said to appear at night. It is believed that the Pontianak is the soul of a lady who died during childbirth.

Zahid (pictured above, right), 25, claimed that a group of friends saw the Pontianak "crawling" on the ceiling at one of the canteens. This incident has left many students petrified and some never enter the canteens at night.

Ismah, a 62 year old cleaner, turned pale with fright when we asked her to share her experience. She was alone on campus when she suddenly felt goosebumps, and she immediately knew that something was wrong.
"It was so scary," said Ismah. "It was late at night and I will never forget the vision of how the headless Pontianak flew across right in front of me."

Not only did she feel the cold wind brushing against her, she also claimed that she heard an eerie laughter from the Pontianak.

Another encounter of a white figure was in the tunnel located at the Science laboratory. While passing through the lab at night, Philbert (pictured above, left), 19, saw a ghostly figure dressed in white. He did not react drastically as he was afraid it might attract attention from the ghost. He immediately walked away.

- Events as related by students. Fact or fiction? You decide.

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yah dont play play ... better believe :eek:
Posted by tmfoo888 on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 at 20:47 PM
Agreed with the foul smell thing which appear out of nowhere (my experience too but in an overseas hotel room). In future should one meet, see or feel such things (choy!) don't head home as 'they' tend to usually follow. Get to crowded places like shopping malls, MRT etc. mix with lots of 'ren' (human) energy, the thing will leave. Best is to go police station (no kidding) and sit there for a while.
Posted by mystrawberry on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 at 17:55 PM
This is my friend's story. He was staying in Bishan area somewhere street 11, blk 103, 104 and one late night after working while he was walking back to his block, he could smell something like rotten foul smell along the way home. When he reached home, he could still smell it, then he asked his room mate, did they also smell it? The room mate confirmed that they smell it too. After which when he was about to sleep, suddenly something appear at his room door and was floating towards him. when he saw that, he was really panic and used his blanket and covered himself and started to chant, the foul smell was very strong. After couple of minuntes chanting, the smell went off and the next day, he fall sick. So when he told his mother back in Kluang about the incident, his mother went to ask .....
Posted by Posted on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 at 16:48 PM


Alfrescian (Inf)
humans can be more scary, don't you think?

I Agreed !!!



I got 2 equal group of friends... One are Malays and the other Chinese... I always hear ghost story/incidents by only the Malays.. The Chinese yes but that was when we were kids but not in our adulthood but the malays seems to be constantly being engaged by ghosts. Never heard ang mohs talking bout ghost before while aboard, I use to be scared of ghost too when i was young, Now i think they just dont exist, Sometimes when my malay friends talk about ghost, I will say Fuck the ghost la..They start being emotional and tell me to watch my mouth and when i tease them to check blind-spot when entering lift or going home, they ask me to shut up... I think Ghost like Malay people la. They got all sort of ghost from Toyol, Pontianak to Hantu Tek tek.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
My school is definitely haunted. During assemblies I remember the teachers kept harping about the school spirit


Alfrescian (Inf)
Not only schools. Old buildings like SAF camps and other buildings same same. Old CID at Robinson Rd and Eu Tong Sen included.

1sickpuppy II

How about new HDB BTOs houses can they be haunted? 1 malay fellow worker a few days ago told all of us during our coffee break that he felt uneasy in his new flat kitchen. Everytime at nite when he reach home after his 2nd shift or go to the kitchen during the middle of the night he can spot this white figure butwhen he on the lights there was no one there.