The Chakra System on Planet Earth22/2/2022
Beloved I am ADAMA,
Congratulations on this gate day, a gate day where we end the stages of the campaign that resonated during the two material years of your time. And we are moving into a new time zone. The planet reopens itself in the light portals, after a deep process of purifying and balancing the chakras in the field of the planet's network of light lines.
It is the new field, which gives the planet a return to the high consciousness of light that exists in the cosmos.
The same centers of light operated in the past and served as landmarks of the kingdoms of light and the fraternity of white light.
These days the same focal points of light will move in the renewable spiral of light according to the renewable DNA in the free choice star.
Just as you are loved, working and working on the DNA in your body, also is the planet, ascending to the next stage, connecting the consciousness of the planet, to the consciousness of outer space.
The portals act as antennas to the working fields, and they synchronize themselves with the magnetic poles and huge crystal bodies that are buried in the heart region.
On this day, which opens its gates of consciousness to receive most of the divine wisdom in the layers of DNA which are in your light bodies. You are the ones who are about to reactivate and see the initial resonance in the light centers. The machines are called planetary chakras.
The seeds of light are activated again and connect you to the seeds of light in the stars of your home.
You are the loved ones who operate the light channels and operate the crystals of light on the planet, in the chakra centers, thus illuminating and preventing wars.
The planet is already present in the advanced stage, towards the ability to communicate with civilizations light years away from this planet.
I present to you the gates of light, be focused in your mind and unite your body with the chakras on the body of the beloved Gaia.
From the City of Light Telos we are going to be one with you,
On the day of this gate
In the operation of the Legion of Light.
Blessed are you who take an active part in the divine alchemy.
I'm Adama
Ps: Adam is from hollow earth.