I can see Singapore is getting there somehow, someday :-)
I can see Singapore is getting there somehow, someday :-)
U poor thing. People in the West are happy because of lifestyles. U are happy because "australia has resources" and that makes you very happy!
Somehow Australia's resources is responsible for your "happiness" while other Westerners are enjoying their lives, freedom.
But its lost on you, you pathetic soul.
The PAP taught you well.
Sorry leh. Cant say the same about Sinkapore with with fludgates open 2 a hordes of fake degree FTrahses replacing Sinkees.
Bro, I've been looking for mining job for the last 6mths but in vain. You sure about your report ? - Few Aussies worry about losing jobs. I am losing my job soon !
Wat happn 2 ur chicken rice biz?
Bro, I don't have a "LIFE" and how can I have "STYLE" ? Life-style ? All I have is a little happiness that no one can take it away from me.. hehe..
Oh, another happiness yesterday ! - I attended the teacher-meet-the-parents session.. she praised my son for good results and best behaviour. From the result list, my son is top 2 - 3 in class ! I can start dreaming of scholarship liao. I am a proud daddy ! :p
Bro, I've been looking for mining job for the last 6mths but in vain. You sure about your report ? - Few Aussies worry about losing jobs. I am losing my job soon !
Bro, to be honest.. I've been trying to find a job for the last 6mths but in vain.. Economy not so good leh.
Don't be too cock sure. What makes you think the fuckers will give your kid a scholarship when they can give it to some FTrash?