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Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar 'carries bag full of dynamite and surrounds himself with 20 hostages' to stop Israel killing him



Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar 'carries bag full of dynamite and surrounds himself with 20 hostages' to stop Israel killing him since 'last sighting' just three days after October 7​

Over the past year, Israel has picked off the Hamas leadership one by one - with the chief of the country's army declaring yesterday that the terror group's military wing has been 'defeated'.
But its most wanted target still remains at large - October 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar.
The terror group's leader has remained elusive throughout the year-long war, with the only apparent glimpse of him coming in a video filmed just a couple of days after the bloody conflict began.

The black and white images, uncovered by IDF troops during a raid earlier this year, show a man believed to be Sinwar making his way through a tunnel along with his wife and three children, while carrying a large bag.

'In that bag is about 25kg of dynamite. Around him are at least 20 hostages,' according to Kobi Michael, Sinwar's former Shin Bet interrogator. 'A few times we have had the chance to kill him, but if we do, he will kill all the hostages around him.'

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has remained elusive throughout the year-long war (pictured in 2022)

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has remained elusive throughout the year-long war (pictured in 2022)
