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Hamas Demands U.S. Written Guarantees for Permanent Ceasefire in Hostage Deal



Hamas has requested written guarantees from the United States for a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip in order to finalize a U.S.-backed truce and hostage deal proposal, according to two Egyptian security sources.

Qatar and Egypt, acting as mediators, reported that Hamas responded to the phased ceasefire plan on Tuesday, though details were not disclosed.

The plan, unveiled by U.S. President Joe Biden at the end of May, outlines a gradual release of Israeli hostages held in Gaza and a phased withdrawal of Israeli forces, culminating in the reconstruction of Gaza and the return of the remains of deceased hostages in the third phase.

According to the Egyptian sources and a third source familiar with the talks who spoke to Reuters, Hamas is concerned that the current proposal lacks explicit guarantees for the transition from the first phase, which includes a six-week truce and the release of some hostages, to the second phase, which involves a permanent ceasefire and Israeli withdrawal.

Hamas insists on reassurances for an automatic transition between phases as outlined by President Biden, and Egypt is reportedly in contact with the U.S. regarding this demand. Hamas and Egyptian authorities did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Biden indicated that if negotiations to advance to the second phase extend beyond six weeks, the ceasefire would remain in effect until those negotiations concluded.

On Tuesday, Hamas described its response to the proposal as “positive,” stating it opened a “wide pathway” to an agreement.

However, an Israeli official, speaking anonymously, claimed Hamas had altered the main parameters of the proposal, effectively rejecting Biden’s plan for a hostage release.

Another non-Israeli official briefed on the matter mentioned that Hamas proposed a new timeline for a permanent ceasefire and Israeli troop withdrawal from Gaza, including Rafah.

syed putra

Gaza is not another country. Legally, it's under Israeli rule. Gaza's battle for independence have repeatedly been thwarted by Israeli and US. So I dunno what guarantee US can provide when in russia's case, it's promise not to expand NATO eastward made to Russia was repeatedly violated.