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HAHAHAHAHA! Don't Laugh! ABNN Modi test fire NEW MISSILES! I cannot control my laughing!

Tony Tan


India test-fires ‘quick reaction’ air defense system as tensions soar with Pakistan (VIDEO)
Published time: 4 Aug, 2019 15:14
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FILE PHOTO: A Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile (QRSAM) is being tested at the Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur, India, on July 3, 2017. © AFP / Indian Press Information Bureau

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India has test-fired its state-of-the-art Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile (QRSAM). The new air defense system has been tested amid the recent flare-up between New Delhi and Islamabad over Kashmir.
The all-weather and all-terrain missile mounted on a truck successfully hit its targets during the tests conducted on Sunday at a range in the eastern Indian state of Odisha. The Indian defense minister has shared photos and a video of the missile launch on his Twitter account.
Successful flight testing of state of the art quick reaction surface to air missiles (QRSAM) against live aerial targets on 4th Aug 2019 from ITR, Chandipur. @DRDO_Indiapic.twitter.com/oahaUjkHOa
— रक्षा मंत्री कार्यालय/ RMO India (@DefenceMinIndia) August 4, 2019
The new air defense system boasts an operational range of 25-30 kilometers. It is also equipped with anti-jamming devices allowing it to penetrate the enemy's defenses. The missile already underwent a series of trials in 2017 and in February 2019. On Sunday, two missiles were used to hit the targets flying at different altitudes under different conditions, Indian media reported citing military sources, who hailed the system’s high maneuverability.
RM Shri @rajnathsingh has congratulated Team @DRDO_India on successful flight test of state of the art Quick Reaction Surface to Air Missile QRSAM at Balasore against live aerial targets meeting all mission objectives. It is a significant advancement in India’s Missile Tech Prog. pic.twitter.com/w1F6gxjxnJ
— रक्षा मंत्री कार्यालय/ RMO India (@DefenceMinIndia) August 4, 2019
The tests come as India and Pakistan are seemingly once again engaged in a bitter row over the disputed Kashmir region. In the early hours of Sunday, the two nations’ forces exchanged gunfire in a border skirmish in Kashmir’s remote Poonch district, local media reported without providing any information about the casualties.
On Saturday, India said it thwarted an “infiltration” attempt by Pakistani militants earlier this week. Kashmir also saw several instances of cross-border shelling in recent days. New Delhi deployed a total of 35,000 soldiers to Kashmir over two weeks, in addition to the forces already stationed in the region.
Also on rt.com India says it thwarted ‘infiltration’ attempt by Pakistani army in latest Kashmir flare-up
The bitter feud between the two neighbors caught the eye of US President Donald Trump, who promptly offered himself as a mediator to resolve the conflict. His offer was, however, turned down by New Delhi, which said it does not need any outside interference in the “bilateral” issue. The Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, on the contrary, welcomed the idea by saying “this is the time to do so” in order to prevent further escalation.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
What the fuck test-fire missiles. Racheting up the tension and preparing for war is it? I thought they were exploring peace.