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GUESS! Woman, raped and tortured with iron rod inside



Mumbai woman, raped and tortured with iron rod inside tempo in Sakinaka, dies in hospital​

FP Staff
Sat, 11 September 2021, 7:05 pm·2-min read


A 34-year-old woman, who was raped and tortured with an iron rod, died this morning at a Mumbai hospital.
According to reports, she succumbed after a 33-hour-long battle in the hospital. Further details are awaited.
In the incident that bore a grim reminder of the 2012 Delhi gangrape case, the woman was raped and brutally assaulted inside a stationary tempo in suburban Sakinaka, the police had said on Friday.

One accused, aged 45, was arrested within a few hours of the incident, said an official.
The police control room had received a call in the early hours of Friday that a man was thrashing a woman on Khairani Road, he said.
A police team rushed to the spot to find a woman lying in a pool of blood. She was taken to the civic-run Rajawadi hospital, the official said.
As per the preliminary probe, she had been raped and also assaulted with an iron rod in her private parts, he said, adding that the incident had taken place inside a tempo parked on the roadside.
Bloodstains were found inside the vehicle.
Acting on some leads, the accused was arrested under IPC sections 307 (attempt to murder) and 376 (rape) and further probe was on, he added.
Maharashtra chief minister Uddhav Thackeray termed the rape and murder of a woman in Mumbai's Sakinaka as a "blot on humanity", and promised a fast-track trial in the case.
He asserted that the perpetrator would be punished severely.
"The trial in the case will be done on a fast track and the victim, who succumbed to injuries today, will get justice," Thackeray said in a statement.
The chief minister said he has discussed the case with state home minister Dilip Walse Patil and Police Commissioner Hemant Nagrale.
"I have directed the authorities to expedite the investigation into the case," he said.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Peo go china japan Korea Thailand ang mo nations etc ask native gals to fk. If go India, peo rather go there stay hotel one whole day and pcc.
Oh this is real. On my work trips to India I totally didn't masturbate because all my sex desires were extinguished. The women there just didn't inspire any sort of response

Then there was once I got worried I was losing my mojo and tried to pcc in my hotel room.. And this was the time before smartphones/tablets and downloadable or streaming porn. So I went through all the cable TV stations. All i saw were fucking disgusting women wrapped up in saree. Some channels were Indian monkeys dancing (convulsing) and singing in outdoor village stages. A few times I had to wake up my dick because it was going limp.

In the end I found the FashionTV channel and quickly jerked off to angmor skeleton models catwalking in a Parisian fashion show....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Oh this is real. On my work trips to India I totally didn't masturbate because all my sex desires were extinguished. The women there just didn't inspire any sort of response

Then there was once I got worried I was losing my mojo and tried to pcc in my hotel room.. And this was the time before smartphones/tablets and downloadable or streaming porn. So I went through all the cable TV stations. All i saw were fucking disgusting women wrapped up in saree. Some channels were Indian monkeys dancing (convulsing) and singing in outdoor village stages. A few times I had to wake up my dick because it was going limp.

In the end I found the FashionTV channel and quickly jerked off to angmor skeleton models catwalking in a Parisian fashion show....

I am sure business hotels have prostitution service where they will send a girl to your room.

Even African shithole country Congo (Brazzaville) has it. Some of the girls even speak Chinese. This was told to me by a friend.


I am sure business hotels have prostitution service where they will send a girl to your room.

Even African shithole country Congo (Brazzaville) has it. Some of the girls even speak Chinese. This was told to me by a friend.

Go India eat shuijiao!


Oh this is real. On my work trips to India I totally didn't masturbate because all my sex desires were extinguished. The women there just didn't inspire any sort of response

Then there was once I got worried I was losing my mojo and tried to pcc in my hotel room.. And this was the time before smartphones/tablets and downloadable or streaming porn. So I went through all the cable TV stations. All i saw were fucking disgusting women wrapped up in saree. Some channels were Indian monkeys dancing (convulsing) and singing in outdoor village stages. A few times I had to wake up my dick because it was going limp.

In the end I found the FashionTV channel and quickly jerked off to angmor skeleton models catwalking in a Parisian fashion show....
Never intended to leak out your diary out haha. Nobody want to fk ahpunehneh except their own kind

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Never intended to leak out your diary out haha. Nobody want to fk ahpunehneh except their own kind
The first thing about India women that repulses you is their very strong jasmine perfume mixed with some funny spice smell. Until today I cannot drink pokka jasmine green tea because it still reminds me of the times I had to go there ..


Oh this is real. On my work trips to India I totally didn't masturbate because all my sex desires were extinguished. The women there just didn't inspire any sort of response

Then there was once I got worried I was losing my mojo and tried to pcc in my hotel room.. And this was the time before smartphones/tablets and downloadable or streaming porn. So I went through all the cable TV stations. All i saw were fucking disgusting women wrapped up in saree. Some channels were Indian monkeys dancing (convulsing) and singing in outdoor village stages. A few times I had to wake up my dick because it was going limp.

In the end I found the FashionTV channel and quickly jerked off to angmor skeleton models catwalking in a Parisian fashion show....
can't you pull up some old memory like peeking under your teacher's skirt in primary school or something?

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
can't you pull up some old memory like peeking under your teacher's skirt in primary school or something?
Yah good point... Should not lose the ability to use playback old memory clips function .. dunno when one day it might come in useful again :unsure:

syed putra

Oh this is real. On my work trips to India I totally didn't masturbate because all my sex desires were extinguished. The women there just didn't inspire any sort of response

Then there was once I got worried I was losing my mojo and tried to pcc in my hotel room.. And this was the time before smartphones/tablets and downloadable or streaming porn. So I went through all the cable TV stations. All i saw were fucking disgusting women wrapped up in saree. Some channels were Indian monkeys dancing (convulsing) and singing in outdoor village stages. A few times I had to wake up my dick because it was going limp.

In the end I found the FashionTV channel and quickly jerked off to angmor skeleton models catwalking in a Parisian fashion show....
You didn't go hiking in the himalaya foothills?, visiting historic monuments of past dynasties?


Don't understand why chicks like to go shitskin land when it's soo dangerous...r they retarded?

Horrific reason Aussie surf star Carmen Greentree stopped having sex​

Former Aussie surfer Carmen Greentree has revealed the traumatic aftermath of a terrifying ordeal that had far-reaching consequences.
James Matthey

Horrific reason Aussie surf star Carmen Greentree became celibate (SBS insight)​

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The former Aussie surfer has revealed the traumatic…
Former Australian surfing star Carmen Greentree has opened up on the traumatic impact of being sexually abused while she was held captive for months overseas.
The waverider from the NSW south coast, who had ambitions of dominating surf competitions around the globe, travelled to India as a 22-year-old in 2004 after missing out on a spot on the world tour. But her trip took a horrifying turn when she accepted help from a local in finding her way to Kashmir, in the country’s north.
Greentree was taken to a houseboat which became her prison cell for the next two months as her captor sexually abused her repeatedly.
“I lost track of how many times he raped me. I’ve blocked it out so much I don’t remember most of (the assaults) anymore,” she told the Daily Mail last year.
“I was completely broken, I wasn’t even me anymore. I was existing as a shell.”
Police were able to rescue Greentree but the man who abused her was never charged because Greentree didn’t return to India to testify.
Speaking on SBS program Insight this week, Greentree elaborated on the horrifying consequences her ordeal had on her sexuality, as the lingering trauma saw her “become celibate”.
She said she was “all of a sudden afraid of sex” and became “fearful that I would never want to have it again”.
“At that point, I was celibate for a while. I’ve had a few periods of celibacy but that was the start, the first time I’d considered being celibate because of that experience,” Greentree said.
After getting married at 32, Greentree tried to carry on with what she perceived as a normal sex life but it wasn’t that simple.
“At that point I’d actually lost myself a lot and I’d stopped listening to my body,” Greentree said. “I’d stopped listening to my soul, I’d stopped listening to my heart.
“I didn’t know it consciously at the time but I was very much more focused on living up to society’s expectations of what a woman should be like, men’s expectations of what a woman should be like, especially in marriage.
Greentree has written a book about her ordeal. Photo: Supplied.
Greentree has written a book about her ordeal. Photo: Supplied.
Her ordeal had long-lasting consequences. Photo: @TurnUpTheTalk/Twitter
Her ordeal had long-lasting consequences. Photo: @TurnUpTheTalk/Twitter
“I was very much telling myself on the surface I was having a really great time and that I was amazing and this was amazing and trying all these different things. And deep, deep, deep down I was like, ‘I don’t like this. I don’t want to be doing this. This is not right for me’. That voice got a little bit louder over time.”
Greentree was celibate for the last three years of her marriage before separating from her husband and while it wasn’t a conscious decision at first, she said “my sexuality completely shut down”.
“One particular day my soul screamed out so loud. It said, ‘I will literally die if I have sex one more time like this’,” she said.
“My entire system shut down and then I came across the term celibacy again and at that point I realised that had naturally just happened. My sexuality shut down. I had just become celibate and it was in alignment with my soul and so I was happy to say it quite quickly that yes, I’m celibate for now.”
While it happened by accident rather than design to begin with, Greentree said going without sex became a hugely positive experience
“The most beautiful thing about it was that I felt as though I was mine again and my energy was mine. My soul felt happy and finding my way back home to me,” she said.
“What was quite magical for me was all of that energy, I was able to harness. It was a very divine, purifying, cleansing, soulful experience.”
She dreamt of becoming a world champion. Photo: Supplied.
She dreamt of becoming a world champion. Photo: Supplied.

Where to find help​

If you or someone you know is experiencing sexual abuse or family violence contact:
  • National Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence Counselling Service 24-hour helpline 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732
  • 24-hour Emergency Accommodation helpline on 1800 800 588
  • Safe At Home helpline on 1800 633 937
  • SHE (free and confidential counselling and support) on 6278 9090
  • Sexual Assault Support Services on 6231 1811, or after hours 6231 1817
  • Family Violence Crisis and Support Service on 1800 608 122
  • Bravehearts – Sexual Assault Support for Children on 1800 BRAVE 1
  • Kids Helpline is for young people aged 5 to 25 on 1800 551 800
Don't go it alone. Please reach out for help by contacting Lifeline on 13 11 14
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