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Serious Guess Why Jiuhu Customs So Slow Unlike Singapore! Congestion At Jiuhu Customs Explained!


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

JOHOR BAHRU: Officers reporting late for work and surfing on their handphones while on duty are some of the disciplinary issues that have contributed to the congestion at Johor Bahru's Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) complex, Malaysian media reported on Monday (Jun 18).

Mazlan Bujang, the chairman of the state's Works, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, said these were among the feedback he had received recently.

Some officers turned up late for work, resulting in some immigration counters not opening on time, The Star reported, adding that a special committee has been formed to look into the alleged disciplinary issues.

The authorities may also consider having CCTV cameras at all immigration booths at the CIQ complex, The Star reported.

"These are all serious allegations on disciplinary issues. We need to improve the situation at the CIQ to ensure that we can help reduce congestion," Mazlan said.

There was also a lack of CCTVs, he said, adding that more need to be installed to boost security.

The disciplinary issues aside, a lack of scanning machines is also contributing to the congestion at the CIQ complex. The scanners also often break down, exacerbating the problem.

In February, it was reported that Johor authorities were embarking on efforts to ease traffic at its congested CIQ complex. Among the measures it was considering was to add more vehicle lanes during peak hours on weekends.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/new...urfing-on-handphones-contributing-to-10443990


Why do Singaporeans want to go to that crime infested shithole in the first place? Surely the time, effort and risk isn't worth the few dollars saved.
KNN yeah ginfreely likes to go there and use up all her useless time and effort. better she gets robbed (but no chance for rape) to save a few dollars KNN


Another reason for why mudland customs is fuck up. For those going to JB via the buses. One can clear Singapore customs hop on the bus go through the causeway in 15 minutes no jam. N reach CIQ. Walk up the stairs towards immigration and have a queue from 1 end to the other end. They have 18 counters n 16 counters are for foreign passport holders. With 2 for mac pass that means 14 counters for the normal travellers. 400k ppl pass by CIQ each day n 1 counter can process how many ppl an HR? That is why normal days no queue on causeway but queue at CIQ. Mudland boleh. And no immigration officers at immigration directing the human traffic leading to cut queues and ppl trying to jump queue. Boss Sam is right. Not worth going.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Another reason for why mudland customs is fuck up. For those going to JB via the buses. One can clear Singapore customs hop on the bus go through the causeway in 15 minutes no jam. N reach CIQ. Walk up the stairs towards immigration and have a queue from 1 end to the other end. They have 18 counters n 16 counters are for foreign passport holders. With 2 for mac pass that means 14 counters for the normal travellers. 400k ppl pass by CIQ each day n 1 counter can process how many ppl an HR? That is why normal days no queue on causeway but queue at CIQ. Mudland boleh. And no immigration officers at immigration directing the human traffic leading to cut queues and ppl trying to jump queue. Boss Sam is right. Not worth going.

I agree with regards to the jam. But as i had told u it doesnt take more than 15mins (me n my frds experience) in the morning on weekdays. So is not true if u said the whole day/nite jammed at JB CIQ side. U just need to plan ur trips.

As for daily trips by Sinkies. I really hope they go shopping in batam or shop in sinkieland. This way cost of living in JB will not go up. Things would be cheaper than present state. Wherever sinkies go, they simply spoilt market.
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KNN yeah ginfreely likes to go there and use up all her useless time and effort. better she gets robbed (but no chance for rape) to save a few dollars KNN
Tell that to yourself Malaysian dog using all your useless time and effort spinning lies of me non stop.


Another reason for why mudland customs is fuck up. For those going to JB via the buses. One can clear Singapore customs hop on the bus go through the causeway in 15 minutes no jam. N reach CIQ. Walk up the stairs towards immigration and have a queue from 1 end to the other end. They have 18 counters n 16 counters are for foreign passport holders. With 2 for mac pass that means 14 counters for the normal travellers. 400k ppl pass by CIQ each day n 1 counter can process how many ppl an HR? That is why normal days no queue on causeway but queue at CIQ. Mudland boleh. And no immigration officers at immigration directing the human traffic leading to cut queues and ppl trying to jump queue. Boss Sam is right. Not worth going.
Yeah he is right. Not worth at all. I already tested water for all sinkies.


The influx of Chinese tourists will inevitably jam the immigration counters. They should reserve 10 lanes for Singapore passports only with 5 of them being auto gates, and keep just 2 lanes for Chinese tourists travelling in groups.

Build a proper pedestrian walkaway along the Causeway for visitors to just walk from Singapore to Johore. Build a LRT from Woodlands to Custom Checkpoint.