Funny...none of these scholars are head hunted by real international MNCs..they can only be parasites to GLCs n the taxpayers. The only exception is Lee hsien Yang who had left Singkieland all together
And to think 70% voted for itYes,sinkeeland now ruled by paper generals.
Planning For My Children's Future!
In the first place, to be a General in the SAF you must be a PAP dog.
CCA you son of a motherfucker.You need to have excellent grades in school and in ECA, be qualified enough to join OCS. You don't need to be a m&d or muslim in order to be a general in Singapore, unlike in mudland.
If you think Singapore's criteria to be military general is unfair, try becoming a general in the mudland military as a chinese.
James Leo, the only non scholar.
So being exam smart is the only criteria..and of course being fit to a certain extentA potential scholar probably must have excellent grades (because during my school days, there are a handful with 4 A's, and may be a 20 to 30 with 3 A's and 1 B, whereas, recently, I heard that there are hundreds of students with 4 A's). In the old days, 3 A's will qualify for various OMS and Colombo Plan Scholarship)
However, I rather select a student with less than 4 A's, if he or she has other attributes.
For yours truly, I may be one of the very few, who has only 1A and 2 B's, almost 40 years ago.
So being exam smart is the only criteria..and of course being fit to a certain extent