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Guess??? Recalcitrant drug abuser who gave meth to teen son gets over 6 years’ jail



Recalcitrant drug abuser who gave meth to teen son gets over 6 years’ jail​


Updated Oct 04, 2024, 02:05 PM

SINGAPORE – A recalcitrant drug abuser is back behind bars after handing his 14-year-old son methamphetamine from his own stash when the boy asked him for some.

The father had also openly consumed the drug at home in full view of his 15-year-old daughter.

The 52-year-old man, who has been in and out of a drug rehabilitation centre (DRC) multiple times over the past three decades, was sentenced to six years and eight months’ jail on Oct 4.

He cannot be named due to a gag order to protect the teenagers’ identities.

In 2021, he was sentenced to eight months’ jail for being in possession of a controlled drug and was last sent to a DRC in 2022.

Before that, he was sent to a DRC in 1993, 1996 and 1998. He was also placed under drug supervision in 1992, 1995, 1997 and 1999.

The man had pleaded guilty to three drug-related charges in September. Five other charges were considered during sentencing.

In earlier proceedings, Deputy Public Prosecutor Lim Li Ting told the court that the man had found out his son had been purchasing and smoking methamphetamine sometime in 2023.

By then, the boy was already aware of his father’s drug habit.

On May 6, 2024, officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau caught the father at home after he absconded from a DRC programme in April.

They found multiple drug paraphernalia, such as straws and glass utensils, in the Housing Board flat in Sengkang.
Officers seized a straw filled with a powdery substance later confirmed to be morphine.

They also found two packets of crystallised substances, later confirmed by the Health Sciences Authority to contain methamphetamine.
One packet was found in his son’s bedroom, while the other was in the living room.

DPP Lim said the man had admitted to smoking methamphetamine every two to three days at home and had left his drug utensils in the open despite living with his children.

The man also admitted that he had given his son a packet of methamphetamine after the boy asked for some.

DPP Lim said: “He knew his son had been consuming drugs. Instead of putting a stop to this, he allowed his son to continue.
“He even provided the methamphetamine, facilitating his son’s drug consumption for free.”

The man, who was not represented by a lawyer, told the court in September that he regretted his actions.