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@gudangaram everyday 颠倒黑白 accuse me everyday scold them when it’s them Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes everyday 说三道四 污蔑骚扰我 slut whore mistress



Dear @zhihau 你的老相好 @ginfreely 又来骂人了
Tsk tsk tsk you Cantonese dog son of slut prostitute mistress everyday 说三道四 颠倒黑白 it’s you criminal dogs smear and insult me slut whore mistress and not I scold you first Pui!


Many many proof of his and other Cantonese dogs defamation crimes of Gansiokbin
Dear @zhihau 你的老相好 @ginfreely 又来骂人了
难道zhihao和老巫婆有一腿? :tongue:
@zhihau 全身上下只有腿還是硬的

Not my 老相好, I don’t know her at all.
只是嘴硬而已 :coffee::coffee::coffee:
A bunch of Cantonese dogs sons of prostitutes that everyday 说三道四 do defamation crimes to Gansiokbin hokkien virgin Pui!


I support this thread.
Cantonese dog SELF ADMITTED SON OF DIRTY SLUT do defamation crime to Gansiokbin can twist to call it support. No remorse no repentance animal with no human conscience no morals no integrity no kindness criminal no wonder no tycoon no philanthropy