University are churning out unemployable students... over the past 20 years universities programs are churning out con jobs courses for the industies....
Study law in unis for 4 years must work in law offices as intern with no pay jobs. Feed yrself work free for law firms. Law firms kick them out saying incompetent becos they hv bottomless pit of uni students to exploit as intern in the name of getting work experiences. Lawyers hates competitions and not enough cases if interns become new lawyers fight for lowest fees to grab biz...
Then commoners are in office jobs wont want to be entrepreneurs, must seek lawyers here and there for legal issues by then not enough money for product manufacturing costs...
CV19 will change all these cheaters no more uni students to exploit by law firms.
Not enough engineers in 5 eyes becos lawyers stagnamised engineering firms with labour laws, product laws and safety law and more...