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Chitchat Great News! Govt to invest Billions for Epidemic Hub! More good jobs for Sinkies!


Singapore earmarks US$19b for R&D, including new epidemic control programme | The Edge Markets
SINGAPORE (Dec 11): Singapore plans to spend S$25 billion ($19 billion) on research and development projects over the next five years, including a new programme to help prepare the city-state for future disease outbreaks, it said on Friday.

The investments, equivalent to around 1% of GDP each year over the five years, top the $14 billion spent over the last five years and aim to support the city-state's recovery from a deep pandemic-induced recession.

The other investment areas include technology, healthcare and climate change.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown the world a curveball, but it has also offered a model of how we can work together and leverage science and innovation to overcome our common challenges," Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said announcing the plans.

The new epidemic preparedness programme will draw on Singapore's COVID-19 experiences and expertise to deepen research capabilities in epidemic control, prevention and to enhance detection capabilities.

Read also:
Singapore approves Covid-19 test using saliva from inside throat


Good ,nothing to happy about , more jobs for foreigners n PRs esp neh n tiong, create good jobs for foreigners ,locals PMET go clean toilet, wat u think ?