Thursday, October 02, 2008
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Thousands attending Mr JBJ's Wake
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I finally had this portrait enlarged for Mr. JBJ
famiLEE LEEgime's judges and formal high court judges were among those who came today.
Foreign politicians including Mr. Anwar Ibrahim & his lawyers had attended Mr. JBJ's wake. Representatives from foreign organizations and diplomats were at the wake, NMP, ex-NMPs, NCMP etc were there the last 2 days of wake. Mr. Anwar actually made appointments to meet with Mr JBJ including on the day just before the BN govt just arrested him (before his by-election).
Tonight, Mr. Chiam See Tong & Mr. Steve Chia were together at Mr. JBJ's wake. Mr. Chiam spent about 2 hours at Mr. JBJ's wake and attended a Christian service there.
Mr. Chiam signed the guest book:
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Early today all of remaining books of Mr. JBJ had been sold out, and people emailed me asking to buy them. I told them that there will be reprints within 2 months. But for now, I am sorry to tell you that there is none left. All snapped up.
posted by uncleyap at 1:43 AM