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Serious Grab driver asked to drive up to 11th level

Scrooball (clone)



Alfrescian (Inf)
Remember the good old days of flagging a taxi at a busier road, calling the taxi company's hotline to book a ride, or waiting at a taxi stand?

Little or none of this bullshit to-and-fro communication on an app. And no fancy cashless payments, pay cash upon reaching destination and fuck off. No need to give 'reviews' to your driver... he's a cabbie making ends meet to feed his family, not a junkie for social validation online. :rolleyes:


Remember the good old days of flagging a taxi at a busier road, calling the taxi company's hotline to book a ride, or waiting at a taxi stand?

Little or none of this bullshit to-and-fro communication on an app. And no fancy cashless payments, pay cash upon reaching destination and fuck off. No need to give 'reviews' to your driver... he's a cabbie making ends meet to feed his family, not a junkie for social validation online. :rolleyes:
I loved to listen to the chatter on their wireless between the control room and other drivers.