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Grab continues to burn cash

Byebye Penis

SoftBank Shareholders Push For Grab, Gojek Deal In Indonesia

Investors are asking SoftBank to help align Southeast Asia’s ride-hailing unicorns Grab and Gojek, The Financial Times reported, citing sources.

In the past 18 months, both startups were vying for new customers, especially in Indonesia, the world’s fourth-most populous country and the most profitable market for the two firms. Gojek, headquartered in Jakarta, is backed by Tencent and Google, among others. Grab, based in Singapore, counts SoftBank and Microsoft among its investors.

“The forces at play here are higher than simply what Grab or Gojek want — or indeed don’t want. This is about a number of long-term influential shareholders in both companies who want to either stem the losses or find a way to exit their investments,” said one Grab investor.

Talks between the two competitors have been ongoing for two years, but there is a “new urgency,” the sources said.

Although SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son recently went to Jakarta for “exploratory discussions,” the sources said it’s “unclear” what kind of deal SoftBank is looking for. Son said last year that “rescues” are now part of the past. The talks point to the changing environment in Asia, where profits were given a backseat to the growth of entrepreneurs and investors.

Byebye Penis

Grab has little means to raise more cash. The only way to save Grab is to award the digital banking to Grab to them so that they have another story to sell to investors.

But again, will MAS award a digital banking license to an financially-shaky entity to bail them out?

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Grab has little means to raise more cash. The only way to save Grab is to award the digital banking to Grab to them so that they have another story to sell to investors.

But again, will MAS award a digital banking license to an financially-shaky entity to bail them out?

Whore Jinx invested in Grab. no?

syed putra

Gojek can survive because they got rich daddy tecent. If they wait long enough, Grab will be hit like OFO.
Grab burning cash fast and badly needs a listing because of their promise to Uber (listing).
Nope. Gojek is making money. Grab is not. Grab used to make money under myteksi but when big investors came in, they want big result and big CEO with big pay.


Nope. Gojek is making money. Grab is not. Grab used to make money under myteksi but when big investors came in, they want big result and big CEO with big pay.
is gojek making money? if it is it will be the only one doing so. neither uber nor lyft are in the black.

syed putra

In fact i suggest big blue to come over and buy over the taxi companies for peanuts. They can come up with a formula that can compete effectively against grab.


Alfrescian (Inf)
All these silly millennial-inspired crowdsourcing businesses will go kaput. WeWork is another one. Akan datang: AirBnB.

Byebye Penis

just pray that the driver doesn't do a taxi unker and spit... :confused:

I surf porn but i find this logo on many Grab and Gojek vehicles very offensive. Imagine your family womenfolk rides on one. Is it suggestive



I surf porn but i find this logo on many Grab and Gojek vehicles very offensive. Imagine your family womenfolk rides on one. Is it suggestive

it is quite alarming. I wonder what kind of sense of humour is going on? If you find this offensive, I suggest you make a complaint or even refuse a ride on the basis that it suggests and promotes predatory behaviour.