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GPGT! Xijinping will suddenly SEIZE CRITICAL STRATEGIC Military Targets in Taiwan like this! Part of PLA Invasion..

democracy my butt



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2020.08.17 17:46:26

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syed putra

Why chinese fight over a island that belongs to orang asli? Go and fight in china and leave formosa alone.

Taiwan’s indigenous people remind Xi Jinping that it has “never belonged to China”
January 9, 2019
Isabella Steger
By Isabella Steger
Asia deputy editor
With much of the world’s attention on Taiwan colored by its decades-long enmity with China, it can be easy to forget that centuries of history preceded the arrival of ethnic Chinese on the island.
In response to a recent speech by Xi Jinping in which he warned he would not rule out military means to force the unification of Taiwan with China, the island’s indigenous people issued an open letter addressed to the Chinese president to challenge Beijing’s claims.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Due to the One Child Policy, the number of males in China vastly exceed the number of females.

However, in future the Tiong females will outnumber the males, because many of the males will die in war and become 炮灰.

So demographically China will end up just like former Soviet Union countries. :wink:

syed putra

Due to the One Child Policy, the number of males in China vastly exceed the number of females.

However, in future the Tiong females will outnumber the males, because many of the males will die in war and become 炮灰.

So demographically China will end up just like former Soviet Union countries. :wink:
You mean china will be broken into small bits and pieces?.

democracy my butt

Why chinese fight over a island that belongs to orang asli? Go and fight in china and leave formosa alone.

Taiwan’s indigenous people remind Xi Jinping that it has “never belonged to China”
January 9, 2019
Isabella Steger
By Isabella Steger
Asia deputy editor
With much of the world’s attention on Taiwan colored by its decades-long enmity with China, it can be easy to forget that centuries of history preceded the arrival of ethnic Chinese on the island.
In response to a recent speech by Xi Jinping in which he warned he would not rule out military means to force the unification of Taiwan with China, the island’s indigenous people issued an open letter addressed to the Chinese president to challenge Beijing’s claims.

China must also take over all resources in Americas and ELIMINATE THEIR CITIZENS.

Territory and survival (Especially Resources) are to be decided by WAR & CARNAGE, historic consideration is too minor and negligible.


Due to the One Child Policy, the number of males in China vastly exceed the number of females.

However, in future the Tiong females will outnumber the males, because many of the males will die in war and become 炮灰.

So demographically China will end up just like former Soviet Union countries. :wink:

There won't be any war. Only posturing. :wink:


USA likely has intelligence that PRC is going to seize Taiwan thus the rampup of forces in SCS.

XiJP will be pissed his window of opportunity has closed and worries the inevitable that USA will move forces into Taiwan. That will be a good launchpad for US ballistic missile first strike that will have zero response from PLA.

Capitulation is the only answer for PRC. Unless they grow balls and fight now. Either way they have lost.

democracy my butt

美退役军官:台海若开战 美国将被"胖揍一顿"

Retired U.S. officers: if there is a war in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will be "beaten up"
09:06, August 17, 2020
(translated by Guanqun from the national interest website of the United States)
[text / Daniel Davis, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general / observer network by Guanqun]
For a long time, the U.S. military has been debating whether the U.S. should assist in defending Taiwan when China attacks Taiwan, but less consideration is whether the US military can successfully assist in defending Taiwan. An irrational analysis of the military strength of China and the United States will greatly increase the probability that the US military will be defeated in the Taiwan Strait war. What's worse, even if the U.S. military wins at the tactical level, it may suffer catastrophic failure at the strategic level. But this is not to say that there is no other strategy that can effectively protect the interests of the United States at a low cost.
Few leaders of the U.S. organizational faction are willing to take the time to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the strength of the U.S. military and the Chinese people's Liberation Army. On the contrary, in order to cater to the political trend, policy makers usually make seemingly cost-free remarks without considering the background. For a long time, policy makers have been debating whether to abandon the decades old U.S. Asian Policy - "strategic ambiguity", and bluntly announce that the United States will engage in military intervention to help defend Taiwan when it is attacked.
Reflecting the thinking of many U.S. policy makers, Joseph Bosco, a former Pentagon official, urged Congress this summer to pass the Taiwan Defense Act, because "this law will leave the United States one step short of a public commitment to help defend Taiwan.".
If the bill is signed into law by the president, it will force the U.S. government to "delay, moderate and ultimately defeat the attempt of the people's Republic of China (to occupy Taiwan by force)". Now it's time to pause and think about what these assertive words actually mean to US forces on the ground, at sea and in the air in the Asia Pacific region. We don't have to think too long to realize that this is not good for America.
The establishment of bills or treaties by the United States should undoubtedly make the United States more secure and maintain (or promote) its ability to maintain its prosperity and strength. If the United States has to bear all the risks and costs while the other side gets most of the benefits, it is obviously not in the interests of the United States to bind itself to another country or political entity. The security guarantee provided by the United States to Taiwan can not meet the first condition, but it fully meets the second condition.
The recent war game deduction conducted by the Pentagon and Rand Corporation shows that if there is a military conflict between China and the United States, especially on the Taiwan issue, the result is likely to be the defeat of the United States. In simulating the Sino US war, David ochmanek, an analyst at Rand, bluntly said that the US had been "beaten up".
Ohmannek explained that if China made every effort to capture Taiwan, it could "achieve its goal in a limited time (in days to weeks)". The reason, he said, is that China "will not only attack air bases in the region. They will also attack aircraft carriers that are sailing at sea They're going to attack our sensors in space. They're going to attack most of our data links via satellite. "
Perhaps this war game underestimates the ability of the United States to counterattack, or overestimates China's combat capability. Maybe the United States can finally repel China's attack on Taiwan. However, such a "victory" will cost the United States a staggering high price.
In addition to the cost of life, sinking of ships and downfall of aircraft, the United States must also be enviable in stationing large-scale military forces in Taiwan and spreading bases throughout the Asia Pacific region to defend Taiwan and prevent China from trying to capture Taiwan again. The United States will have to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to maintain this defensive posture permanently and be alert to new attacks.
In addition, geographical environment is also a problem. The distance between Taiwan and Chinese mainland is similar to that of Cuba and Florida, while Taiwan is about six thousand nautical miles from the mainland of the United States. The new crown epidemic has led to a decline in the U.S. economy, which has stretched the U.S. defense budget. If the United States goes to war with China again, the surge in defense spending will directly paralyze the United States. In short, it would be a disaster for the United States to lose the war with China, and to "win" the war for Taiwan would bankrupt the United States. Clearly, Washington needs to find a better way to confront Beijing. Fortunately, there are better options.
The best way for the United States to help Taiwan and deter China from using force is to encourage its friends in the Asia Pacific region (not just Taiwan) to speed up their own defense capacity building. China's famous move to strengthen its defense against the United States is that it has established a regional denial / anti intervention combat system, which will make the United States pay a heavy price when attacking China. Taiwan's own regional anti war system should be established.
China's regional anti intervention combat system in the eyes of us think tanks
Taipei should strengthen its defense capability by establishing its own regional denial / anti intervention combat system. This will make China pay a heavy price when unifying Taiwan by force, and will no longer be sure that it will win the final victory, so that the CPC leaders in Beijing will not risk the risk of defeat. But we have to admit, even so

2020年08月17日 09:06 观察者网



[文/丹尼尔·戴维斯 美国陆军退役中校 译/观察者网 由冠群]



反映很多美国政策制定者这一想法的事件是,五角大楼前官员约瑟夫•博斯科(Joseph Bosco)在今年夏天敦促国会通过《台湾防卫法》,因为“这部法律将使美国距离公开承诺协防台湾仅剩一步之遥”。



五角大楼和兰德公司最近进行的兵棋推演表明,如果中美之间爆发军事冲突,特别是就台湾问题发生冲突,其结果很可能是美国战败。在模拟中美之战时,兰德公司分析师大卫•奥赫曼内克(David Ochmanek)直言不讳的表示,美国被“胖揍一顿”。






美国智库眼中的中国区域拒止/反介入作战体系 图片来源:环球网
