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GPGT! big scale $$MONEY$$ Laundering in China! Lots of filthy fucking CASH! 钱钱钱钱钱钱!

democracy my butt



残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞是业内公认的高级专家,经她巧手修复的纸币累计已超过120万张,金额超过30万元。这些分分、角角的积累,真正践行了为国家“颗粒归仓”。 如今,随着电子支付的增多和普及,公交系统现金收款逐年减少。以前修复组有五名同事,退休、转岗后就剩下她一个人,她答应师傅会站好最后一班岗。

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞(左一)将残缺的纸币从同事的点钞台上收集起来(3月4日摄)。 新华社记者李紫恒摄

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞在修补残币,工作中她们面对的大多都是五角、一元的纸币(3月4日摄)。 新华社记者李紫恒摄

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞(右)和同事在核对即将送往银行修补残币的金额(3月4日摄)。 新华社记者李紫恒摄

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞在修复残币时仔细将残缺破损的部分剪去,尽可能多地保留可用面积(3月4日摄)。 新华社记者李紫恒摄

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞在整理、修补残币(3月4日摄)。贴有胶带的残缺纸币需要重新修补。 新华社记者李紫恒摄

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞在统计修补好纸币的金额(3月4日摄)。算盘是师傅留给她的,算这种小额钞票时比计算器更快更好使。 新华社记者李紫恒摄

残币修复女技师孙霞:聚少成多 “颗粒归仓”
2019年03月07日 11:48:10 | 来源: 新华网

孙霞在自己修补并捆扎好的纸币上盖印章(3月4日摄)。 新华社记者李紫恒摄


Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (1) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia is repairing the residual currency (photo taken on March 4).

Sun Xia, 45 years old, is a member of the "Women's Army" of the Qingdao Public Transport Group's Inspection Brigade Collection Center. It is also the only residual money repair technician among them. The center has 68 female workers who “count the money and cramps every day”. They are responsible for sorting, sorting and repairing the cash collection of the bus system in Qingdao’s main city. The daily banknotes exceed 200,000 yuan, most of which are pentagonal and one yuan. The change will double the holidays.

Sun Xia, a female technician who repairs the residual currency, not only pays attention to the banknotes, but also identifies counterfeit coins and repairs the residual coins. The repaired and cleaned up defective and defaced RMB will be turned over. This work tested the caretaker's care and patience. The reporter saw that she had spent nearly a quarter of an hour searching for the other half of the pile of coins in the repair of a pentagonal denomination. Sun Xia’s master once told her that although the denominations of the corners and the two corners are small, as the income of the public collective, there is more and more, and there is no shortage of one point or one.

Sun Xia is recognized as a senior expert in the industry. The total number of banknotes repaired by her hand has exceeded 1.2 million, and the amount exceeds 300,000 yuan. The accumulation of these points and corners has truly practiced the “grand return” for the country. Nowadays, with the increase and popularity of electronic payment, the cash collection of public transportation systems has been decreasing year by year. In the previous repair group, there were five colleagues. After retiring and transferring the post, she was left alone. She promised that the master would stand up for the last shift.

Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (2) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia (first from left) collected the missing banknotes from his colleagues' counters (photo taken on March 4). Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (3) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia is repairing the residual coins. Most of the work they face is pentagonal and one dollar bills (photo taken on March 4). Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (4) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia (right) and colleagues are checking the amount of money that will be sent to the bank to repair the residual currency (photo taken on March 4). Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (5) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia carefully cut the broken parts when repairing the residual coins, and kept the available area as much as possible (photo taken on March 4). Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (6) Rescue coin repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia is finishing and repairing the residual coins (photo taken on March 4). The defective banknotes with tape attached need to be re-patched. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (7) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia is counting the amount of banknotes (photo taken on March 4). The abacus is reserved for her by the master. It is faster and better than the calculator to calculate such a small amount of money. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo

Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"
March 07, 2019 11:48:10 | Source: Xinhuanet

(Picture story) (8) Rescue money repair female technician Sun Xia: Ju Shaocheng more "Particles returning to the warehouse"

Sun Xia stamped her own patched and bundled banknotes (photo taken on March 4). Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ziheng photo