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Got such a good brother and rich 娘家 also get killed by husband in domestic abuse. Proof that women need to be evil manipulative to thrive or be alive


Women that are not evil or manipulative better stay single and alive than marry an evil manipulative man and get murdered.


Seriously got such a good brother and rich supportive 娘家 family also can get killed in domestic abuse, what hope do other women with lesser means have?


Seriously women no need to do much, as long as evil manipulative can control the husband is called good wife good investor good whatever. Can’t control husband can get murdered no matter how good you are.


I watch many true crime stories wife killer kind of husbands are always men that are very controlling and manipulative.
And the signs of such controlling men are: control what the women wear, who and when they go out with, or even stop the women from working like this case. So women better don’t be happy when meet such men but run for your life.


And the signs of such controlling men are: control what the women wear, who and when they go out with, or even stop the women from working like this case. So women better don’t be happy when meet such men but run for your life.
So teach your daughter to look out for such killer traits. Remember to thank me and thank me very much for such good lifesaving tips.