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Good Teacher GoGo complaint on poor sinki services attitudes jin lousy....jiuhu service is much better de woh?


We may be neighbours, but the service standards of staff in Singapore and Malaysia are worlds apart — or at least, that's what this Chinese tourist has claimed.

Content creator Teacher Gogo singled out Singaporean-Chinese service staff in particular for their less-than-friendly attitude, after most of them left him with a bad impression.

This is especially so in comparison with their Malaysian counterparts, he said in a TikTok video uploaded on Sunday (Oct 15).


"I feel like my past few days exploring Singapore as a tourist has made me … think that most Singaporean-Chinese don't have good attitudes towards service," Gogo ventured.

Whether they are public transport drivers or food and beverage vendors, these service staff have been "short-tempered and brusque" in dealing with him, he said.

"Is it my mistake in thinking so, or does anyone else who has visited Singapore feel the same?"


He explained: "Most Chinese service staff in Malaysia are exceptionally friendly and warm-hearted, whereas Chinese in Singapore — especially a majority of hawkers — have really bad attitudes."

While netizens were divided on whether Gogo's observations were accurate, some felt that there could be various reasons for any rude behaviour that the tourist encountered during his time in Singapore.

"There are many explanations… but you'll need to become a hawker and understand their pain," a user commented.

Said another: "You're spot on, it's the stress that causes it!"

"Singaporeans have too much stress. In order to make a living they work hard, and when they see a tourist having fun, they feel ill at ease," one joked.

A user also elaborated: "It's because everyone's busy and don't have enough time to properly respond to others.