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Good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng so kind to be main donor of Tong chai medical and yet use Cantonese name for the charity.


Minor donors that are Cantonese really buay paiseh to be minor donors and yet use Cantonese naming.




Minor donors that are Cantonese really buay paiseh to be minor donors and yet use Cantonese naming.

Good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng was being so kind and have so much compassion indeed to do charity not to gain naming rights. Not like those Cantonese merchants minor donors LOL


Good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng was being so kind and have so much compassion indeed to do charity not to gain naming rights. Not like those Cantonese merchants minor donors LOL
Cantonese love to take credit from good hokkien Gan Eng Seng. Cantonese no anyhow make false accusations to good Hokkiens like what @rotiprata did to me already must thank them for being “kind” hahaha


See everyone? Indian patient in the photo. Proven Hokkiens are always welcoming and tolerant of all races from home country to overseas and from time immemorial to now.
Good hokkien giving freely to all spirit really no horse run indeed. But don’t be like ccb Malaysian dog @UltimaOnline stealing my photos then open ccb mouth mocking me as doing charity. Stealing is stealing ok criminal bastards?



Wow 1500 patients a day should thank Gan Eng Seng. So good Hokkien charitable spirit must trumpet indeed.



Wow 1500 patients a day should thank Gan Eng Seng. So good Hokkien charitable spirit must trumpet indeed.

View attachment 56017

Wow good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng not just the main donor of Thong chai hospital but donated a large piece of land in Rochor to Tan Tock Seng hospital too. Millions of patients from Thong Chai to Tan Tock Seng hospital should thank him.



Name it after your cheebye since it's so popular. Mention your cheebye only everyone knows where.

You are a ccb Cantonese with small LJ and balls. Got LJ but is a ccb man. If my cb is really so popular then use your real ccb Cantonese name to say it lah coward evil liar bastard Cantonese ccb Malaysian dog.


Pour boiling curry in your cheebye and fuck you with the ladle.
Small balls small LJ Cantonese only good at stealing credit and acting subservient when no power but big bully when got power as coward bastards hiding behind internet. Ferocious and shameless Cantonese dogs and bitches like you and my evil lazy Cantonese ex accountant indeed.


Wow good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng not just the main donor of Thong chai hospital but donated a large piece of land in Rochor to Tan Tock Seng hospital too. Millions of patients from Thong Chai to Tan Tock Seng hospital should thank him.

View attachment 56019

See everyone? Good hokkiens being kind and have compassion with numerous good deeds deserve trumpeting or not?


Wow good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng not just the main donor of Thong chai hospital but donated a large piece of land in Rochor to Tan Tock Seng hospital too. Millions of patients from Thong Chai to Tan Tock Seng hospital should thank him.

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Oh ya Gan Eng Seng also started a free school called Anglo chinese free school which was only renamed after his death to Gan Eng Seng School by others to honor him. See everyone? He donated so much money and assets without any naming rights. So kind and have so much compassion people where to find? Only good Hokkiens can make it indeed.


Although Gan had little education, he realised its value as he prospered and became wealthy. His dream to build a school for the poor which taught both English and Chinese (Hokkien, as Mandarin was not commonly used in Southeast Asia then) was fulfilled in 1885, when he built the Anglo-Chinese Free School for boys in some shophouses in Telok Ayer Street (not related to the Anglo-Chinese School founded a year later by Bishop W.F. Oldham). In 1923, it was renamed to Gan Eng Seng School (GESS) in his honour.[4]


Wow Gan Eng Seng was so advanced in thinking to like and promote bilingual education even back then.


19世纪下半叶,新加坡的华文教育渐成规模。商人颜永成1886年资助开设英华义学(Anglo-Chinese Free School),他在开学仪式上说:“我很高兴知道,学生也能在这里获得华文知识。对我来说,华文是华人子弟重要的一环。学童长大成人后,兼通华英文,将比那些只从功利思想出发,为了在海峡殖民地生活而只接受英文教育,却丢弃了原来属于他们国家的语文的人会是较好的公民。


Wow Gan Eng Seng was so advanced in thinking to like and promote bilingual education even back then.


19世纪下半叶,新加坡的华文教育渐成规模。商人颜永成1886年资助开设英华义学(Anglo-Chinese Free School),他在开学仪式上说:“我很高兴知道,学生也能在这里获得华文知识。对我来说,华文是华人子弟重要的一环。学童长大成人后,兼通华英文,将比那些只从功利思想出发,为了在海峡殖民地生活而只接受英文教育,却丢弃了原来属于他们国家的语文的人会是较好的公民。
Google translate

In the second half of the 19th century, Singapore’s Chinese education became more and more scale. Yan Yongcheng, a businessman who sponsored Anglo-Chinese Free School in 1886, said at the opening ceremony: "I am very happy to know that students can also gain Chinese knowledge here. For me, Chinese is an important part of Chinese children. One. After the students grow up, the English language will be better than those who only start from utilitarian thoughts and only accept English education in order to live in the Straits Settlements, but discard the language that belongs to their country. citizen.


Google translate

In the second half of the 19th century, Singapore’s Chinese education became more and more scale. Yan Yongcheng, a businessman who sponsored Anglo-Chinese Free School in 1886, said at the opening ceremony: "I am very happy to know that students can also gain Chinese knowledge here. For me, Chinese is an important part of Chinese children. One. After the students grow up, the English language will be better than those who only start from utilitarian thoughts and only accept English education in order to live in the Straits Settlements, but discard the language that belongs to their country. citizen.

I am in the same league as good Hokkien philanthropist Gan Eng Seng to think learning Chinese - or other languages - should not be from just utilitarian perspective!