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Go with the flow

syed putra

If priests, prophets and superstars cannot fight it, might as well do what nature intended.

A Complete Timeline of the Michael Jackson Abuse Allegations
By Kyle McGovern

Michael Jackson. Photo: Kevin Winter/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images
On March 3, HBO will begin airing Leaving Neverland, a two-part, four-hour documentary that examines, in great detail, allegations of sexual abuse against Michael Jackson. Director Dan Reed’s film centers on extensive interviews with Wade Robson and James Safechuck, two men who became friends with Jackson when they were children, and who say that the late pop star molested them for years. “I’m kind of astonished this film hasn’t been made before,” Reed told Vulture after the doc debuted at January’s Sundance Film Festival. “I think what we’ve done is extraordinary and unique, and it’s never been done before.”