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Globe-trotting Singapore family responds to critics after 4-year-old son fell ill during trek to Mount Everest's base camp


SINGAPORE — A pair of Singaporean parents recently came under fire for their decision to take their four-year-old son on a hike to the Everest Base Camp in Nepal.


Civil servants Rakcent Wong, 35, and Carol Tan, 36, are travelling the world for two years with their son Atlas Wong.

They document their travels on a joint Instagram account named “Engaging Atlas” and Ms Tan’s own Instagram account under the user name “fitmumwannabe”.

As part of their two-year trip, the family of three arrived in Nepal on May 18, with plans to start their trek to the base camp on May 20.

Mr Wong told TODAY on Friday (July 5) that it would have taken the family eight days to reach the base camp and another four days to descend.



Alfrescian (Inf)
They document their travels on a joint Instagram account named “Engaging Atlas” and Ms Tan’s own Instagram account under the user name “fitmumwannabe”.

Vanities of vanities, all is vanity. :rolleyes:

I heard some of these narcissistic turds even make an IG account for their pets. :wink:

It's perfectly okay if you want to travel the world with your underaged brat, but choose locations that are more kid-friendly. The logistics of bringing a child along on any vacation is tremendous, go ask those who are parents of young kids.