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Serious [GLGT] Time to procure 2000 Malaysian/Indonesian ballistic missiles. Stinkypura forms JV with Zionists



Zionist bastards and Stinkypura faggots Team up to Market Anti-Ship Missiles

Home Aerospace Missiles Israel and Singapore Team up to Market Advanced Anti-Ship Missiles

Israel and Singapore Team up to Market Advanced Anti-Ship Missiles
Based on a commercial agreement between government-owned companies, rather than a Government-to-Government agreement, the agreement represents a strategic change in Singapore's policy, that until now, has kept its close relations with Israel under a veil of secrecy.
News Desk
Jul 16, 2020

Based on a commercial agreement between government-owned companies, rather than a Government-to-Government agreement, the agreement represents a strategic change in Singapore's policy, that until now, has kept its close relations with Israel under a veil of secrecy.
News Desk
Jul 16, 2020
Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd (ST Engineering) today announced that it’s land systems arm has signed an agreement with Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd (IAI) to set up a joint venture company (JV) in Singapore. ST Engineering and IAI shall each hold a 50% share of the JV.

The JV, named Proteus Advanced Systems Pte Ltd, will leverage the strengths and track record of its parent companies to market and sell advanced naval missile systems, including a new 5 GEN anti-ship missile system called ‘Blue Spear’. According to sources associated with the new JV, Blue Spear (5G SSM) introduces an advanced and novel approach that addresses the challenges of the modern naval arena for years to come. The Blue Spear anti-ship missile is co-developed by ST Engineering and IAI under a development agreement signed between the two countries a few years ago. Based on this work-sharing agreement ST Engineering’s role includes design, development, and production of major subsystems like the booster motor and warhead.

The South-East Asia region and, specifically Singapore, is considered a rapidly growing market for submarines and naval vessels. The JV addresses this potential with mature products that can be adapted to meet specific customer needs. The Proteus JV Company leverages the strengths of both partners, to offer highly competitive and advanced defense systems.
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A cutaway of a Gabriel 5 surface-surface anti-ship missile.
As Singapore relies on U.S. RGM-84C Harpoon today, Israel also used the Harpoon to arm its naval vessels. However, with the introduction of advanced versions of Gabriel, namely Gabriel 5, the Israel Navy has converted some of its vessels to this weapon. Israeli anti-ship missiles were also successful by the Finish Navy, for the upgrading of Hamina-Class fast attack missile boats.
As an advanced attack missile, Gabriel 5 is designed to penetrate modern target’s defenses, both soft- and hard-kill countermeasures. It was designed with sophisticated electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) dealing with chaff, advanced decoys, and active ECM. Gabriel 5 and Barak 8 both developed by IAI, were developed by IAI’s Missile, Systems, and Space Group as part of a combined, offensive, and defensive naval system for the Israeli navy and for export.
As new weapons deliveries can be expected only toward the second half of this decade ST Engineering said the setup of the Proteus JV is not expected to have a material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets per share and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year. By announcing the JV through a commercial agreement between government-owned companies rather than a Government-to-Government agreement, the change looks less dramatic but it certainly represents a strategic change in Singapore’s policy, that until now, has kept its close relations with Israel under a veil of secrecy.

Blue Spear (5G SSM) introduces an advanced and novel approach that addresses the challenges of the modern naval arena for years to come. The Blue Spear anti-ship missile is co-developed by ST Engineering and IAI under a development agreement signed between the two countries a few years ago. Based on this work-sharing agreement ST Engineering’s role includes design, development, and production of major subsystems like the booster motor and warhead.

coolie gene stinkies = can develop anti ship missiles? incl booster motor and warhead?

or license produce yankee missile and repaint it?

like joos did it with many of theirs?

AAM, arrow 2 ABM, green pine radar, harpoon/gabriel 5 AShM. etc

all copy-paste/transfer of yankee tech.

time for Malaysia/Indonesia to procure 2,000 ballistic missiles to flatten stinkypura.

choices are numerous

Turkey Iran Pakistan TIongkok Norkies. Numerous sources, dozens of systems to choose from.

syed putra

Let them come. There is no problems with jews. They were regarded as stubborn if religious text are to be believed. Most of the prophets are of jewish origin.


Let them come. There is no problems with jews. They were regarded as stubborn if religious text are to be believed. Most of the prophets are of jewish origin.

There are plenty of problems with Zionists.

Jews tried to poison Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

They never changed their habits.

Everywhere they go, they create trouble.

Most prophets were Jewish?

Is that a Christian belief?

Muslims believe that only followers of Prophet Musa/Moses (PBUH) are Jews. Nobody else.

Were the Prophets before Prophet Musa (PBUH) also Jewish?

What of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?

Was he Jewish too?

Besides we are talking of Zionists.

Whose criminality and terrorism is well known. Against Palestinians, other Arabs and other Muslims. As well as some non Muslims.

Killing Zionists before they get to spread their venomous tentacles anywhere, in any region is a necessity. For Peace, justice, truth to flourish and to be established.