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Girl seen on camera allegedly stealing Labubu doll at Plaza Singapura shop



Girl seen on camera allegedly stealing Labubu doll at Plaza Singapura shop​

The first-generation Labubu doll is slated to be discontinued.

Daniel Seow

October 21, 2024, 05:35 PM​


A girl was apparently caught on CCTV camera allegedly stealing a soon-to-be-discontinued Labubu doll at a Plaza Singapura shop on Oct. 16.

The alleged shoplifting incident took place at claw machine shop "Clawpitiam" at about 1:30pm.

Closed-circuit camera (CCTV) footage circulated on the shop's Facebook page showed a girl in a black and white t-shirt and jeans walking into the store and taking a box from the shelf before leaving.

The post was captioned, "Say cheese! You are on candid camera gal! You have 24 hours to come back to my shop to surrender before I head over to the police station."

Box had soon-to-be discontinued Labubu doll​

The shop's owner told Lianhe Zaobao that the box that went missing contained a first-generation Labubu Macaron V1 doll.

That model was slated to be discontinued as the second generation of Labubu dolls would be released soon, the owner noted.

"It originally costs about S$20 but as supplies are limited, it would fetch about S$50 on the market right now," he added.

The owner shared that he usually mans the shop alone, and was not at the counter when the incident happened.

He said the girl was seen walking into the store apparently to check where he was, before allegedly taking the box and leaving without making payment.

Owner hopes girl will see post, return doll​

As for why he circulated the footage on social media, the owner hopes that the girl would see it and return the doll.

He is still considering whether to lodge a police report.

"She looks quite young, so I want to give her a second chance. I hope she can return the product so we won't need to pursue the matter further," the owner said.