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GIC's £120 Million Loss: Why Singapore's Wealth Fund Sold Bluewater Mall Stake at a Huge Discount!




To help more folks understand about investments, do allow me to simplify it thru an analogy:-

Mr. Tan bought over a coffee shop at a mid popular HDB housing estate at $4million dollars.
He then rented out the 10 stalls at an average $10,000 per stall per month
His gross monthly rentals income is at $100,000/mth or $1.2 million a year.
Everyone was happy with this arrangement, as Mr Tan made sure there was a right mix of food served, hygiene standards, etc, etc. & it was always full house.

After 20yrs, his gross total income from renting out the stalls, became $24 Million, from an initial investment of mere $4million dollars.

On the 21st yr, based upon his research over several factors - rise in costs of labor, products & services as well as political situation, which may declined such rental profits, he decided to sell off the property, even at a PAPER LOSS, at $2million than to continue coming up with funds to prop up the property which will become more substantial over time, even losing the gross $24 Million he had earned, along with bank savings interests.

Thus, did he lose half of his $4million investment, or did he profited immensely from the mere $4million investment?


It's not incompetence, but malfeasance. Daft Sinkies better learn the meaning of that word. :cool:
It is difficult to want sinkees to know the word malfeasance (wrongdoing).But they will understand immediately what is CDC Voucher.:biggrin:


It so very important to NOT marry a wife with a gambling habit.
Not only will it ruin and make you an unhappy family.
It will ruin your reputation and many other families.

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
Buy high sell low for the undertable la
Lose is public money make undertable is into my pocket
Just like those insurance agents who used to churn investment policies of their clients


Sinkies are dumb they just happy their pigeon holes whether ec ,condo ,hdb ,prices increase but wat they Don know is they sell high n buy high ,fuck them no money just stay in hdb,LKY before death already hint,but all these cb still blur n supported papigs,sad for then,n lky said papigs will be around not long ,why cos the owners of pigeon holes ,will be in sorry state cos the younger generation cannot afford it n hv to rent smaller units to survive