A female prosecutor in Taiwan had consecutively dreamed of a same scene in a small house where a portion of concrete floor was opened up and a corpse was discovered inside. Her dream repeated until she finally got called to a murder scene where she screamed out that was the scene in her own dream and she even pointed out the floor where it was later dug to find the body of 6 yr old girl.
Buried 1 meter below for nearly a year, she was killed by her gangster father and buried by several of his thugs. The gang was also responsible for another murder involving illegal collection of debts (Ah Loong).
The father was also charged for drugging and raping wife of his good friend in 2009. Ghostly this charge was made by the same female prosecutor who had that ghostly dream.
殺女埋屍地點 女檢數度夢見
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2010/04/14 22:01</q>
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>警方13日偵破的桃園角頭殺女埋屍案,破案過程曲折離奇,原本警方懷疑陳姓角頭討債殺害一名黃姓男子,意外發現嫌 犯2009年10月,家暴打死6歲親生女兒,挖洞埋屍,承辦檢察官更是一連好幾天夢見一間平房水泥地板被打開,出現一具屍體,和挖屍現場如出一轍,宛如現 代烏盆記。
殺害親生女兒的黑道角頭陳文庸走在前頭,他和後頭聯手埋屍的三名共犯,遭到聲押獲准,警方在中壢,嫌犯租來的鐵皮屋,撬開水泥地 板,在1公尺深的地方,找到6歲小女孩的屍體,巧合的是這地點,在案情沒爆發前,承辦檢察官蔡佩玲,竟然夢到好幾天,她到達現場後,突然大喊跟夢中情景一 樣,還能指出埋屍地點。
Buried 1 meter below for nearly a year, she was killed by her gangster father and buried by several of his thugs. The gang was also responsible for another murder involving illegal collection of debts (Ah Loong).
The father was also charged for drugging and raping wife of his good friend in 2009. Ghostly this charge was made by the same female prosecutor who had that ghostly dream.
殺女埋屍地點 女檢數度夢見
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2010/04/14 22:01</q>
<table class="left" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr><td><label> </label></td></tr> </tbody></table>警方13日偵破的桃園角頭殺女埋屍案,破案過程曲折離奇,原本警方懷疑陳姓角頭討債殺害一名黃姓男子,意外發現嫌 犯2009年10月,家暴打死6歲親生女兒,挖洞埋屍,承辦檢察官更是一連好幾天夢見一間平房水泥地板被打開,出現一具屍體,和挖屍現場如出一轍,宛如現 代烏盆記。
殺害親生女兒的黑道角頭陳文庸走在前頭,他和後頭聯手埋屍的三名共犯,遭到聲押獲准,警方在中壢,嫌犯租來的鐵皮屋,撬開水泥地 板,在1公尺深的地方,找到6歲小女孩的屍體,巧合的是這地點,在案情沒爆發前,承辦檢察官蔡佩玲,竟然夢到好幾天,她到達現場後,突然大喊跟夢中情景一 樣,還能指出埋屍地點。