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Get a young wife to get that loving feeling

syed putra


#SHOWBIZ: Jamal Abdillah, 65, expecting seventh child with 28-year-old wife​

By Fatin Farhana Ariffin
June 25, 2024 @ 9:29pm
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Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, with his wife, Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin, 28.- NSTP FILE PIC
Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, with his wife, Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin, 28.- NSTP FILE PIC
KUALA LUMPUR: Legendary pop singer Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, is expecting his seventh child with his 28-year-old wife Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin who is currently two months pregnant.
In the last six years, Jamal and Zai Izzati have had five children, with the latest expected to be born early next year.

However, Zai Izaati's fifth pregnancy has not been easy.
She has been experiencing severe morning sickness and allergies and is currently undergoing treatment at the National Heart Institute (IJN).


I think she read my comments. It's hypnotizing.
Han wearing scarf turns me on.
??? U mentioned to me that u feel disgusted now u say turn u on. She really don't nice wearing oh maybe she doesn't choose the correct scarf. She more suit to porn. Nvm I will go up and fk her I will say I wanna revert back and need her to educate me.


Alfrescian (Inf)
28 years old is too old for the men of culture in your Middle Eastern cult.

Try looking for a wife at your neighbourhood kindergarten.


syed putra

??? U mentioned to me that u feel disgusted now u say turn u on. She really don't nice wearing oh maybe she doesn't choose the correct scarf. She more suit to porn. Nvm I will go up and fk her I will say I wanna revert back and need her to educate me.
I feel disgusted if hui wearing it. But turned on if it's a han lass.



#SHOWBIZ: Jamal Abdillah, 65, expecting seventh child with 28-year-old wife​

By Fatin Farhana Ariffin
June 25, 2024 @ 9:29pm
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Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, with his wife, Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin, 28.- NSTP FILE PIC
Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, with his wife, Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin, 28.- NSTP FILE PIC
KUALA LUMPUR: Legendary pop singer Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, is expecting his seventh child with his 28-year-old wife Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin who is currently two months pregnant.
In the last six years, Jamal and Zai Izzati have had five children, with the latest expected to be born early next year.

However, Zai Izaati's fifth pregnancy has not been easy.
She has been experiencing severe morning sickness and allergies and is currently undergoing treatment at the National Heart Institute (IJN).
At 65, if he is not wearing a wig, then I must congratulate him for his thick hair.



#SHOWBIZ: Jamal Abdillah, 65, expecting seventh child with 28-year-old wife​

By Fatin Farhana Ariffin
June 25, 2024 @ 9:29pm
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Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, with his wife, Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin, 28.- NSTP FILE PIC
Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, with his wife, Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin, 28.- NSTP FILE PIC
KUALA LUMPUR: Legendary pop singer Datuk Jamal Abdillah, 65, is expecting his seventh child with his 28-year-old wife Datin Zai Izzati Khiruddin who is currently two months pregnant.
In the last six years, Jamal and Zai Izzati have had five children, with the latest expected to be born early next year.

However, Zai Izaati's fifth pregnancy has not been easy.
She has been experiencing severe morning sickness and allergies and is currently undergoing treatment at the National Heart Institute (IJN).
Some woman like wrinkled Lup Cheong