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Germany thwarts planned jihad attack on Israeli embassy in Berlin by Islamic State supporter



The suspect, a Libyan citizen, was accused by Germany of supporting the terrorist ideology of the Islamic State.​

A suspected supporter of Islamic State who intended to carry out an attack with firearms on the Israeli embassy in Berlin has been arrested, the Public Prosecutor General of Germany announced on Sunday.

The suspect, a Libyan citizen who was only identified as “Omar A” in official statements and media, was accused by Germany of supporting the terrorist ideology of ISIS, and in order to plan and carry out the attack, he exchanged information with a member of ISIS in a Messenger chat online.

The man was detained on Saturday in Bernau, a locality outside of Berlin, Euronews reported.

German tabloid Bild wrote that the suspect allegedly wanted to flee first to his uncle’s apartment in the area and then flee the country after completing the attack.

 Police secure the area of the embassy of Israel in Berlin, Germany, October 20, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/LISI NIESNER)
Enlrage image
Police secure the area of the embassy of Israel in Berlin, Germany, October 20, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/LISI NIESNER)
The uncle is being treated not as a suspect but as a witness, and it is unclear whether he knew about his nephew’s attack, Bild said.

Ambassador, officials speak out

Ambassador to Germany Ron Prosor wrote on X/Twitter, “Muslim antisemitism is no longer just hate rhetoric; it leads to and encourages terrorist activities worldwide. This is yet another example of Israeli embassies being on the front line of the diplomatic battlefield.”

“I would like to commend the German law enforcement authorities for their intensive efforts to ensure the safety of the official representatives of the State of Israel,” Prosor stated.