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Germany peacful muslim immigrant policeman threatens to ‘slaughter’ infidels!



The police of the state of Berlin is a very diverse force. Of course, it also offers Turkish citizens professional prospects. And for these people – as for everyone else – freedom of opinion, art and religion applies.

Tolga K. also belongs to this diverse force. He is a police officer with the Central Property Protection. A “German” police officer, mind you. Even if you don’t notice it in his YouTube videos and publications on social networks: he prefers to salute the Turkish flag rather than the German one.

On the one hand, he took an oath on the Basic Law:

“I swear that I will faithfully exercise my office in accordance with the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany and the Constitution of Berlin for the common good and conscientiously fulfil my official duties; so help me God.”

On the other hand, he leaves no doubt as to whose God he expects help from and how he interprets his liberties when he sets rap songs to music with words like:

“Those who obey the infidel will be slaughtered by the Turks. We give our lives for God, for every martyr will be avenged.”

What Jews have to expect from Tolga K. & his fellow comrades-in-arms is put into words by one of his fellow comrades-in-arms in the rap song, which is set up as a duet:

“Muslim, do not abandon al-Quds to the enemy.”

By al-Quds, the holy, is meant Jerusalem, which is to be snatched from the enemy. The enemy is the Jews.

The tasks of the Central Property Protection of the Berlin police include not only the protection of diplomatic missions, but also of synagogues. How their security is affected when Tolga K. stands armed in front of the door is for everyone to judge.

The newspaper “Die Welt” quotes a German member of parliament as saying:

“Whoever works here for the German state and on the other hand is fascinated by Turkish-fascist ideology must not only accept the reproach of being misguided in the police, but also that he is apparently completely misguided in this country.”

syed putra

Wot nonsense
Jerisalem was under turkish rule for 500 years until they fought alongside germans and lost WWI and was forced to concede territories to the victors.
The turks almost lost constantinople as well if not for kemal attartuk.
The Greeks wanted it although it was a Roman city.


Wot nonsense
Jerisalem was under turkish rule for 500 years until they fought alongside germans and lost WWI and was forced to concede territories to the victors.
The turks almost lost constantinople as well if not for kemal attartuk.
The Greeks wanted it although it was a Roman city.

Traditionally, jerusalem is not an islamic city.