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Germany: Muslim migrant murders his wife, invokes 'good' Sharia in court, says it allows him to punish her



The Baden-Baden regional court has sentenced a man to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife and a knife attack on her lover. In its verdict on Wednesday, however, the court did not follow the prosecution’s request to establish the particular severity of guilt. In that case, early release from prison after 15 years would have been virtually impossible.

However, it considered insidiousness and base motives to be given. The judge spoke of an “ungodly deed”. The 37-year-old had been aware of the consequences from the beginning and had literally “slaughtered” his wife.

The accused Syrian killed his 36-year-old wife with a knife in her Rastatt apartment on September 20, after kicking open the door. The lover escaped with several cuts. The police arrested the suspect on the same day at the Rastatt train station. According to the investigators at the time, the couple had quarreled earlier. The man was only reported to have been reprimanded the evening before the crime.

The perpetrator relied on Sharia law

The judge said that the man was proud of what he had done and relied on Sharia law, which allowed him to punish his wife. It was clear to him that he would have to go to prison for this. He said that to his brother. The 37-year-old was fully guilty.

The judgment is not yet final (Ref .: 1 Ks 300 Js 13270/20). The man’s defense lawyer demanded a lighter sentence and pleaded for manslaughter: In his view, neither the victim was ignorant nor was the act insidious, because the man had threatened his wife. The defendant himself remained silent in court.