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Germany is screwed even befiore war in Ukraine


Germany Induatrial Complex depend on Cheap Russian LNG thru Baltic Line to feed its Bayer Chemical Complex and Merc /BMW / Man Automobile manufacturing line

Since the Russian-Ukraine war , Germany has been cutoff from Russian oil. Worse of all, Germany has been forced to buy Murika LNG and Oil at good "friendship" price

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
That's what you get for losing WW2. Same as Japan...

No sovereignty with regards to trade, defense and diplomacy. Your people are brainwashed slaves eating up lgbt propaganda and immigration


Super Moderator
Germany Induatrial Complex depend on Cheap Russian LNG thru Baltic Line to feed its Bayer Chemical Complex and Merc /BMW / Man Automobile manufacturing line

Since the Russian-Ukraine war , Germany has been cutoff from Russian oil. Worse of all, Germany has been forced to buy Murika LNG and Oil at good "friendship" price
How else can Ang Moh Lee Kar earn money?

Altogether now!!! HUAT AH!!!