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Germany has turned peaceful: Young Muslims enter church during worship, shout "Allahu Akbar"



Caliphate goes church: An incident has disturbed churchgoers and the town priest in Donauwörth, Bavaria. During the mass, "young people" had shouted their cheerful "Allahu Akbar" over the heads of the frightened unbelievers. The priest of the Catholic church, which is so open to everyone, then called the police.

Wow, what a shocking moment it was when on Saturday, during the evening mass in the Catholic parish church of St. John the Baptist in Rain near Donauwörth, Islam showed its very disturbing face for a brief moment. Parish priest Jörg Biercher was celebrating the service when he made an observation from the chancel that the Catholic ground staff found very strange and therefore a disruption to religious practice.

Because, as the far-left agitating Augsburger Allgemeine reported behind the paywall, two presumably Muslim youths let the battle cry of Islam, the heart-warming "Allahu Akbar," ring out over the heads of the unbelievers. Evidently not entirely convinced by the alleged peacefulness of Islam, the also alleged religion of peace, both the churchgoers and the pastor were "disturbed," as the AZ reports. So disturbed that pastor Biercher called the police.

In the comments section, however, people are sure that this can only be an overreaction on the part of the priest and is due to the "first moment of shock". The next time, the pastor will interrupt the liturgy, lay down his cross and join in the calls of his dear brothers. The church leaders never tire of emphasizing that integration is not a one-way street, that Muslims are our brothers and sisters, and that the archaic desert religion and its followers belong to Germany.

What will soon also be part of Germany, should Muslim mass migration continue at this pace – and everything points to this – and could give one or two do-gooders a “moment of shock”, are “incidents” like this