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Germany: A muslim 15-year-old boy was sentenced to 4 years in prison for plotting a terrorist attack on a Christmas market i



A 15-year-old boy was sentenced to four years in prison on Friday for preparing a terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Leverkusen, reports news agency dpa.
The judge said the boy radicalized in the autumn of 2023. After a few weeks, he met with a young co-defendant to carry out a terrorist attack.
The suspect wanted to kill as many people as possible at the Christmas market with a rented truck. The other suspect would film it.
The teenager had a video in which he announced an attack in a chat group posted. In the background there is also a symbol of Islamic State.
The case was handled behind closed doors because of the age of the suspect. According to a court spokesman, the suspect confessed everything. The trial of the sixteen-year-old co-defendant starts on July 17.