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Germany “Business First” approach to China. Much of the rest of Europe sees this as “Germany First.”

syed putra

VW was in china since the 1980's. It became the biggest volume car manufacturer due to that and south America. Where most nazis fled.
The rest of the german and later french businesses followed when they saw how it blossomed. No way will they abandon one of their biggest market.
China leap frogged its industrial processes using these eurooean technologies and will continue using it until they have nothing else to learn ftom the europeans.


It's just modus operandi for most elected national leaders.

Step 1: Shout "Death to China!" during election campaigning. Accuse incumbent of betraying the country and selling out to China.

Step 2: If fail to get elected, end of story. If elected, start with a few bombastic rhetoric and symbolic anti-China policies.

Step 3: Country / government gets stuck and economy, employment, inflation etc. takes a hit resulting in rapid decline of approval rating. Get whacked by opposition and corporations for national mismanagement.

Step 4: U-turn back to cooperate with China and eat humble pie. Former politicians who used to work with China while in government now become opposition and accuse current government for such shameful betrayal of "the people".

Step 5: Repeat Step 1.

Only exception is South Korean president Yoon Sook Yol. Bugger performed Step 1 more vigorously then anyone else and then simply skipped Steps 2 - 3 and directly move to Step 4.

syed putra

US can ignore the ch8na market. But China help germany to become world's greatest exporter.
Japan was late into china.

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
After the Nordstream pipelines and Eurodollar got attacked by their big bro, the Germans are not going to stay stupid any longer.

Scholz may have been a Greenie but he is starting to pivot the country's foreign policy